Chapter 3

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Tiana's POV

It sure is sunny at 12PM, i was sitting inside a cafe waiting for the others to arrive, since we're suppose to go to Kali's house she's the most important person that we need here for today. I thought i'll be alone but surprisingly Cynthia was here, i didn't notice her presence earlier because she was busy from doing whatever she was doing, i cannot believe such a loud, cheerful, and silly person could be this quiet when she's all alone. Well, maybe she's inside a public cafe yeah, but this time. She's really quiet even though she has a friend accompanying her, i'm surprised they aren't talking.

A few minutes had passed and the two person that is incharge with the materials have arrived. Now all we need is Kali, since we're doing the project inside her house. Where is she anyways?
I asked my group mates who was the last one to be with Kali yesterday, and it was Cynthia.

"Do you know where Kali went off yesterday Cynthia?"

"No, we parted our ways once we left the cafe" Seriously, what did i even expect from these two. Cynthia is a timid type of person whose hiding another side of her. Then there's Kali, an outgoing person when she's with her friends, i expected the two of them to get close in just a minute or so. Did i expect too much? I mean, i thought they were close because Kali isn't the type to give out recommendations, she lets other people decide on those things, plus she was being a bit too touchy with Cynthia.

"Tiana?" A deep voice came from behind me and i looked to see who it was. Oh, It's Anthony!

"Oh, hey Anthony. Have you seen Kali? She's like 13 minutes late." I told them to be here by 3PM but it's already 1:38PM, sure yeah we still have 1 hour and 22 minutes but i have to attend a show before 6PM Ugh! I hate it.

"Kali isn't the type to be late at occasions like this, i wonder where she is.." Anthony said while he rests his hand under his chin. He looks so cute whenever he's thinking.

"Yeah i know that Anthony. Did she go somewhere last night?" After i dropped that question at him, he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, so Kali did go somewhere last night.

"Where did she go off this time Ant? Don't tell me she went to the club last night"

"Uh.. no, she didn't" Now that's suspicious. That's weird. I clicked my tongue and raised a brow at him. I kept asking him the same question again and again but he keeps denying it.

"I am telling the truth! Kali didn't went to any club last night. She probably just overslept" Atleast find a better excuse than that, who even is asleep at 1:40PM, plus isn't 8 hours of sleep enough?

Anthony's POV

Damn it Kali! Why did i even agreed on not saying anything to Tiana, but she said where to meet up to keep them company. She even gave me the keys to her house! What the fuck am I suppose to do?! -Drive them there, unlock the front door then tell Tiana it was surprise that you weren't really there at your house that you were really at a hotel or club drinking and having fun!?

*flashback to the events of last night*

"Oh hey, your finally awake" What.. the fuck?

Why is there a man with me? But most importantly, where is Kali!? Don't tell me she left me with a man just to fuck a girl!

"If you are looking for Kali, she left earlier. She asked me a favor to keep an eye on you for tonight" For fuck's sake, is she for real!? How could she leave me with a man she barely even knows.

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