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“Its the right choice, Master Wu

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“Its the right choice, Master Wu.” I whisper sneaking past the front gate with Wu besides me.

The other ninja made it to their vehicles except for Zane who got spotted by two guards.


“It's one of the ninja! What do we do?”

The oldwr Guard kept his flashlight on Zane, “Stay calm! Call it in, quick!”

The younger one pulls out his walkie talkie, “Uh, this is Joe at the impound.” Sighing I made my way behind him swiftly snatching the walkie out of his hand, “We got a —”

“Sorry sweetheart, but I have someone to save!”

Wu threw his staff towards the older one smacking his flashlight away, “Please note that I hold officers of the law in the highest regard. But I'm afraid we have no choice” he gently apologizes backing them into their station and sealing them in.

“Well, guess there's no point in being discreet anymore.” Kai grins deactivating his vehicle's camouflage.

Zane looks down to us, “I thought you two were at the Sam X Cave with P.I.X.A.L. and Skylor.”

Wu shook his head regretfully, “I stayed behind when you broke into Borg Tower to rescue Nya. I chose the letter of the law over my conscience. I was wrong, and now the threat has grown.”


“I do not question the urgency. I merely wanted to say, it's good to have you with us.” Zane smiles hopping into his aircraft.

“Come on Master Wu.” I urge grabbing onto one of the two anchors of the bounty, “oh I love when a play works out!”

Action pack things are my favorite, especially when it comes to saving my Lloyd. No matter how old he gets or how he looks it wouldn't change my need for him to be safe.

The anchors reel upwards towards the bounty, Wu wraps and arm around my waist hopping up to the deck of the Bounty.

“Y/n? Master Wu?” Nya questions.

Without a second to waste Wu looked off to the distance, “Nya, kindly start the engine and set your course for Primeval's Eye.”

“With pleasure.”


A twinge of a pull grew stronger the closer we came, “Up!” I shouted looking over to Nya.

Slowly the bounty roze amongst the mountains, “are you su-” her question instantly cut off seeing Lloyd standing on the edge of the cliff surrounded by the crystal council.

“No. No! That's impossible!” Harumi shouts.

This bitch probably assumed she killed us.

“Lloyd! Jump!” Wu shouts to the stunned yet smiling green ninja.

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