Radio Free Ninjago

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At least that's what these pale, darkly dressed Lego people reminded me of.

A few of them lead three colorful ninja in chain towards a large arena.

“They're headed towards that arena. But I don't think they're going to see a show.” Cole semi-jokes. He removes his hands from his eye, which acted like a telescope.

“I'm tired of this series already.”

Wu stood to his feet, “Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!” He attempts to jump down but Cole catches him by the back of his shirt.

“Are you crazy?” He pulls him back up, “This place is crawling with Hunters and getting caught isn't on my to-do-list. We're gonna have to wait it out.”

“Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today.”

My mouth gaped open, surprised, “I love this kid.”

Cole sputtered, “Uh? Did you—Did you just use my words against me?”

“They were my words first. You just borrowed them.”

Best kid. Top tier.

“I'm not putting anything off. I'm trying to come up with a plan. What do you expect me to do? Take them on all by myself?”

Wu pulls out a telescope.

“Since when did you have that?”

“I borrowed it earlier. Like how you borrowed my wisdom.”

My hand slapped over my face to muffle the laughter that eruptted from me. Nobody tell Lloyd but this kid is officially my favorite.

“There. We can use that.” Wu states point to a clothesline, “We can use disguises.”

“Uh, I don't know.”

Wu obviously started ignoring him as he pulled me down from our spot, rushing towards the line.

“Get back here!”

The earth ninja eventually caught up to us, grunted in annoyance.

“Oh come on. Don't be so pouty.” I joke, taking down one of the bland outfits.

Bland, no personality, but at least it gets me out of this absolutely ugly dress.


“Hm?” Turning to the voice, a cupped hand landed on my face with a wet liquid, spreading it around my face, “eek!”

“Shh, we gotta match them.” Cole intervenes, covering my mouth with his other hand.

He's lucky he's literally so fucking buff.

Entering the audience a weird shiver trailed my bones, “ugh… deja vu.”

The crowd chanting for the Ninja that were running away from a large dragon inside the area.

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