Darkness Within

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"What happened?"

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"What happened?"

"The spiders exploded caving in the sub tunnel." I sum up looking around for an exit. "Ooooh I feel good as new!" Holding my hand out I watched for any slight movements I didn't make on my own.

"How deep down are we?" Jay asks.

"I've been deeper."

We know Cole!

"This old girl saved our lives! I told you they don't make them like they used to anymore." Jay knocks on the car but nearly causes it to collapse.

"Oh my go-"

"Do. Not. Do that again!"

"Sorry! Sorry."

Kai looked through the crowded door, "Ugh. Why can't you use your powers to clear the earth away?"

"This ground doesn't look too stable. But I'll try." Cole uses his powers, but the car becomes EVEN more unstable.


"Stop. Stop. Stop!"

"Cole! Bad idea!"

"The tunnel is too unstable."

Jay sighs, "What do we do?"

"Time to call for help." Kai puts on his hood. "Nya? Come in. Nya, you there? I'm not getting a signal."


"Hmm. The debris seems to be blocking our communications." Zane mutters.

"Oh, great. Just great! I'm buried alive inside my favorite toy train!"

Zane rolled his eyes, "Kai, hand me your communicator, and I'll attempt to amplify the signal." He holds the communicator in hand, his eyes lit up, "P.I.X.A.L.! Can you hear me? P.I.X.A.L.?"

"Zane! Thank goodness!"

"Holy cow! Zane the man!"

"You did it, Zane! Way to go!"

"Woo hoo!"

The nindroid smiles, "P.I.X.A.L., our situation is dire. We are in need of immediate rescue. We're trapped inside a subway car in a collapsed tunnel. Do you copy?"

"I copy. We'll figure something out. Stand by."

"Tell her to hurry! This thing isn't gonna hold up much longer." Cole paused as the car collapses even more. "Get down!"

Shrieking I follow the others leads, "the hell do we do?"

"We gotta get out of here, now!'

"Look, there's a hatch!" Zane removes a rock on the hatch and opens it. "This way! Quick! Look out!"

Being the first down I crouched, since it was only tall enough to hold someone laying down.

"It's coming down!" Cole shouts being the last to enter through.

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