The Weakest Link

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“The sun is up, we must go

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“The sun is up, we must go.”

A voice groaned right besides my ear sending many signal bells through my head.

Arms circled around my body pulling me a bit away from the voice behind me, into something else..

Popping my eyes open, I was face to face with a thankful clothed chest of young master Wu. The one behind me was Cole, snuggling against my back more.

What… the.. fuck.

How… how do I even get out of this predictument. I'm pretty fucking sure I slept close to Faith, away from these heathens.

Groaning I pushed against Wu, “Get up. The both of ya’” I hiss trying to sit up.

“Heyyy. Whatever happened to breakfast being the most important meal?” Jay whined.

Faith frowed at my current position, holding her hand out to me, “We're getting closer to the Firstbourne's nest. We will eat when the Son of the Spinjitzu Master has the Dragon Armor, and we are all in Ninyeego.”

“Ninjago” I sigh thankfully taking her help.

“It's really not that hard to pronounce.” Zane grumbles.

“Oh, to be back home, in a real bed.”

“Mmm, with real food.”

“And cake. Why did I ever give up cake?”

Jay snorts, “Because your body is a temple.”

Faith glanced back to Cole, “What is this, cake?”

“Imagine all that is good, baked into warm and moist. Then add a sweet, sugary frosting, that's cake.”

“You sound excited, but are you ready for what lies ahead.”

“You explained that Firstbourne is waiting for the return of the First Spinjitzu Master, reunited with the son would a good thing.” Zane explains.

“And what if it is not? Coming face to face with a Dragon is one thing, but facing the Mother of all Dragons is a test you cannot fail. Our chains are our only means of survival in this realm. We live and die by these iron bonds and are mastery of these things.” She hands Kai a chain gun, pointing to a large rock in the ground, “Let me see you chain that rock. Don't worry, it will not move, it should be easy.”

“Yeah, yeah. I got it. Watch and learn.” He shoots the chain, but misses and hits Cole instead.

Jay laughs, “At least you got the Master of Rock.”

“Well, it's harder than it looks.”

Faith shakes her head, “Perhaps, we should work on this.”

The four ninjas position around the rock.

“Alright, first one to wrap their chain around that rock, wins.” Kai explains.

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