"Wake up you rascal!" I laugh.

Abeera yells, and jumps up from her bed. "I'm gonna kill you Sofia!" She shouts. Her hair was literally all over the place.

"Na-na!" I stick my tongue out, and ran downstairs.

Abdul wasn't their luckily.

"Sofia!" I hear Abeera shout from upstairs. I started laughing even harder.

"Sofia stop making loud noises!" My mother hisses from the kitchen.

"She's the one shouting-"

"Oh my.. Abeera! Your hair! Go to the bathroom and fix it now! You only have twenty minutes." My mother gasps.

It felt good to have things go back to normal for a second but than I hear footsteps getting louder each second.

"Asalamu alakum." Abdul walks in on us. He gives my mother a small hug and a kiss.

I try my best not to grimace at the two. And luckily I didn't.

"Sofia, Abeera." Abdul greets us.

"Hi." Abeera squeaks. She was awfully shy around Abdul. While I on the other hand felt nothing but betrayal for an odd reason.

I nod to him as my way of greeting him back. I grab my hijab and ran upstairs. That was the first time Abdul has seen me without my hijab..and let's just say I felt naked.

Once I got downstairs Abeera was already dressed from head to toe. Of course she still isn't wearing the hijab yet, she'll wear it when she's ready.

"Let's go." I say to Abeera. She follows behind me.

"Bye girls." Abdul says and I turn to look back at him.

I ran out the door with Abeera.

"Did he just say girls?" Me and Abeera both say at the same time.

Once the bus finally stopped at Ifrah's stop I change my seat and sat with her.

"Want me to walk you to your locker when we get there?" Ifrah ask.

"Yes please. It'll be so awkward seeing Adam there." I sigh, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Do you miss him?" Ifrah ask.

"Miss Adam?" I questioned.

Ifrah shakes her head. "You know who." She says.

My heart stops for a moment. She was referring to Tarik.

Me and Tarik went way back. I guess since I was seven? We we're both seven at the time, we lived right next to each other. At first it was a simple hi, and hey when we we're young. I'd come over to his house to see his older sister, and such. But honestly I just wanted to have fun with him. He would always make me happy whenever I felt down, and he was by my side when my father died. When we turned thirteen we always talked, he was my best friend at the time. That's when we met Ifrah, so it was kinda just us three. And others but I forgot them. When middle school was over he told me he had a crush on me. I told him the same. So we continued to hang out. We never dated each other or anything like that, though we both confessed our feelings for one another. In ninth grade he started acting way different, he wanted to be popular. Or whatever that means. Ifrah moved so I was competently alone. But Mira and I chatted more to each other. But she wasn't like them. She wasn't like Tarik or Ifrah. We we're nothing alike, but we made our friendship still work. Then one time.. Tarik was dared by one of his friends to take my hiajb off. And at the time we weren't really friends, he ignored me just to fit in. It was at the cafeteria when it happened, I was waiting in line and noticed a bunch of people behind me with there phones out. At first I thought nothing of it, but than I felt a hand pulling my hijab down. People starting laughing and others started getting pissed at how our school didn't give Tarik any punishment. I still remember the look of regret in his eyes, but that meant nothing to me anymore. At the time it did. I would try to give Tarik an excuse to why he did it, because in ninth grade I was still crushing on him. So of course I would think he had a perfectly good reason on pulling my hijab down and embarrassing me in front of people. Every since then Tarik kept apologizing and he even stopped hanging out with all the popular kids. I will never forgive him, he was my childhood friend and he totally did the unexpected. So when ninth grade was ending Tarik told me in the halls he was moving, I told him I didn't care though I was heart broken. He told me he'll go to a different school since I didn't want him here. I was even more mad at him when he just walked out on my life.

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