The Fisherman's Knowledge

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We all stepped into the shop where I spotted Hamish at the counter. Hamish was a fat brown bear with a fishhook through his right ear and a peg leg.

"Hamish!" I said with a smile.

"Ay! Shadow! Is that you? Last time I saw ye and yer Pops, ye were just a wee lad!" Hamish chuckled, walking out from the counter, holding his arms open for a hug.

"It's good to see you again, old friend." I said, hugging him back.

"So this yer crew? Sure look like some fierce ones!" He laughed, heartily.

Then his eyes laid on Sonic and they narrowed.

"Hamish, we need your help." I said, trying to draw back his attention.

"Really? The great Cap'n Shadow needs my help? Ha! Your sister would laugh at this! Say, where is little Mar-mar, by the way?" He chuckled looking around.

The heartbreak struck again, like I had lost Maria all over again.

I removed my cap and my features became sorrowful and I could sense the crew become sad as well.

"Captain Maria...was killed in a plunder fight...against Mephiles. He shot her in the chest...he also took my right eye and took part of our crew captive." I muttered, looking down at my boots.

"Aw, no...not little Mar-mar...I'm sorry Shadow, do Black and Raven know? And little Eclipse?" He asked, his eyes filling with sympathy and sorrow.

"I sent a letter to my mother and father, I haven't visited them in ages though. I'm afraid of what they'll say..." I sighed, putting back hat back on.

"Go visit yer Mum and Pops sometime, I'm sure they'd be glad to see ya. Now! Enough with the crying carnival, what do you need help with?" He asked.

"We need information on Mephiles's cove. We've gained small information on it but you know almost everything so, can you help us?"

His features scrunched up and he nodded.

"Come to the back, I got somethin'."

I followed him to the back with Rouge, Silver, Cream, Gadget, and Sonic.

He started digging around amongst the shelves. He then found a small chest and pulled it out.

"I got this all locked up, but a couple years back, I helped this fella who said he 'ad escaped from the cove. He was real sick though and died a couple days after, but he had these with im' and gave em' to me."

He opened the box and inside was an old small leatherback journal, with a couple of rusted doubloons.

"The mate kept a journal and recorded what when on inside of it, and when he was escapin' he said he snagged a few doubloons from the treasure trove." Said Hamish as I took the journal and undid the leather strap.

Rouge took a doubloon and studied it.

"Holy Caribbean! This is one of the doubloons from the treasure of Captain Jones! It has his intials melded into it!" She gasped.

"That treasure should be around 70 years old! How did Mephiles manage to get it? I thought Jones's ship had sunk with the map!" Silver gasped.

"Seems Mephiles has been busy..." Hummed Gadget.

"Thank you Hamish, this is a huge help to our mission." I said with a grateful smile.

"Now hold on there, Cap'n, I want some information in return." He said.

"Hamish, you owe me and my father for saving you when you were younger, isn't that as good of a payment?" I asked.

"I ain't askin for money, I'm asking for information, and I wanna know why the non-believing Captain Shadow, has a siren in his crew." He said, looking at Sonic. "Specially a royal one at that."

Sonic turned red and turned his back.

"How did-" I was about to ask.

"I've known a few sirens in my lifetime, and it's common custom for Siren royalty to wear those types of earrings." He said, pointing at Sonic's wooden oval earrings.

I sighed. "Sonic is a siren prince, yes, but he and I made a deal for helping him get back something Mephiles stole from his clan, also he wants Mephiles as dead as any of us so he's temporarily part of our crew."

"Hmm, instrestin', y'know most Sirens hate pirates. There's some rare ones that become pirates..." He chuckled. "Looks like this one's got an attitude too."

"Oh trust me, he does." I groaned.

"Well, good luck at findin the cove, and little word of advice? There's been a siren-Hunter around here, so I'd be careful where you bring the prince there." Hamish said.

"Thank you Hamish, it's truly good to see you again." I said with a grin.

"It's been nice talking to you too, now, go off on your mission and when you visit your mum and pops, tell them I said hi." He said as we walked out, Silver carrying the small chest.

"Got it, farewell!" I said.

We left out the door and I looked at my crew.

"Well, we got some priceless information, and now I think we're ready to start our supply run." I said.

I then looked over at Sonic and he was stiff, and his muzzle looked paler, his eyes were slitted and he was staring at the ground.

"Sonic? Are you alright? You look pale." I said.

"No I'm not alright! Did you hear that mobian?!? There's a siren hunter! They are literally trained to spot sirens in water and on land!" Sonic hissed, grabbing my sleeve.

"You'll be fine, and if this siren hunter does bring us trouble, he's no match against my crew and me." I said.

Sonic still looked uneasy.
"My aunt was killed by siren hunters...I don't think I'm safe." He mumbled.

I sighed then placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." I said.

He looked up a me, and he seemed slightly at ease. He even gave me a small smile.
That was the first time I had seen him smile.
He's actually pretty cute...wait what.

I shook my thoughts away and nodded, looking up at my team.

"Split up and get supplies. We need rope, food, and weapons. Avoid any danger if possible, we don't want any one of Mephiles's goons catching us." I ordered.

"Aye Captain!" They all said with a salute.

"Get it done fast or the last person on the ship is swabbing the deck!" I barked.

"Aye Captain!"

"You're all dismissed."

They all walked off, some by themselves and some in groups. Me, Sonic, and Cream were now part of our group.

"What are we getting?" Asked Sonic.

"We're getting as much gunpowder and bombs as we can. Once we find the cavern and get everyone out and collect a decent amount of the treasure, we're blowing it to pieces." I said.

"It'll be like, BOOM!" Laughed Cream.

"Hmph, sounds satisfying." Sonic said with a slight smirk.

"It will be, now let's get supplies."

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