The Siren in the crew

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I tied the rope around the dock pole as Sonic stepped onto dock.
His green eyes were slitted and his ears were pinned back.

I had taken a few notes on the siren, seeing that his eyes slitted whenever he sensed danger. He also was extremely arrogant, and slightly vain, but he seemed like he had good intentions and anyone against Mephiles was okay in my book.

"The ship is docked near those palm." He said, pointing to a small patch of palm trees in the distance.

"Got it, here."

I tossed him the second pistol.

"What? I can't use this thing!" He barked.

"It's easy, you just gotta pull back the hammer then pull on the trigger and shoot." I said.

"Can I have the sword? I'm much better at sword fighting." He said.

"Fine, I can dual wield anyways." I huffed, handing him the sword and taking the gun back.

We started towards the trees, slipping into the dark shadows of the bushes around the docks.

We made it over to the palm patch and I peered around the tree.

There was the Cursed Pearl.

And I could see figures moving around on deck.
I huffed, knowing Scourge was probably partying his ass off in celebration of taking my ship.

I hope my team had been fed at least instead of just being left in the cells below deck.

"We'll sneak around and climb in through the window." I whispered, pointing to the window of the crew cabin.

He nodded and we snuck through the trees and bushes, dodging any eyes.

Sonic then perked up and noticed the ladder was still in place.

"They'll be expecting that." I mumbled.

"No they won't. When you get to the cells, tell your crew to cover their ears." Sonic said with a smirk.

I sighed and nodded.
I then scaled up the ship and in through the window, falling onto the shelf above the bunks.

I smiled and slipped down, seeing that no one was around.

Hopefully Sonic wouldn't do anything stupid...


I climbed up the ladder and peeked over the side of the ship and onto the deck.

There was a large crew dancing and drinking, but none of them were part of Shadow's crew.
I huffed and jumped over the side and onto the deck.

I walked amongst the crew, none of them taking note of me since they were partying too hard.

I hopped up on a barrel and then cleared my throat.

"Excuse me." I said sternly to the party.

Some of the crew snapped out of it and looked up.
"Who the bloody hell are you?" Asked one of them.

"I'm here on business with the captain." I said.

"Our cap'n ain't got business with nobody!" Said another.

"Oh no, not your Captain. Captain Shadow, he'd like his ship back." I said, jumping down from the barrel.

"Pfft, mate if you haven't heard, Captain Shadow is dead. He's sleepin with the fishes!" Laughed another.

"Incorrect. Now, leave or I'm taking this ship by force." I stated.

"Pfft! You're just a wee lad! What are you gonna do!" Laughed one of them, pushing me.

🗡❤️A Siren's Lullaby 💙🔱 (Sonic x Shadow) (au)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt