Chapter 10: Comfort is key

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It's been two weeks since the incident with Andrew at school. Luca's face healed up perfectly after a few days, and we've been taking things slow in our relationship.

I've been trying to get more comfortable with the concept of being in a relationship with Luca, and I think I'm finally past the struggle of acceptance. I've learned a lot in just a couple weeks, and I'm finally beginning to feel at ease about the whole thing. I was only worried at first because of the fact that it went against everything my brain and body had warned me against for so long. But now... I'm not worried about it anymore.

We still haven't kissed or anything. I'm ready for it now, but now I'm just... scared. I want to do so much with Luca. I'm just nervous and uncertain about it. Mostly about myself and what Luca thinks of me during these situations...

A hand was placed on top of mine, breaking me out of my thoughts. I realized I hadn't been paying attention in third period.

"You ok?" Luca asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

Luca flashed the smile I liked so much. "About what?" Of course he had to ask.

"Nothing." I said with an innocent grin. At least I hoped that's what it was. I don't know, I can't see my face.

"If you say so..." Luca replied.

After school, I waited for Luca by the normal spot. I had gone back to waiting by my locker, which was still dented.

Andrew ended up getting expelled from school a couple days ago. Took them long enough. I guess it had something to do with the transfer papers or something. He ruined his whole life by deciding to do that... what a fucking idiot.

"Hey babe..." Luca said in my ear. It made me jump, probably at least a few inches. I gasped.

"Christ; you scared the shit out of me!" I said, gently smacking his arm in a playful manner. It didn't just startle me, but caught me off guard entirely. I wasn't expecting the pet name...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just couldn't let up the perfect opportunity. Plus, you looked down. I thought you could use some excitement..." He explained. He ran a hand through his blonde waves.

"It's fine... I just wasn't expecting... that." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh... yeah, sorry about that. I know we said we'd talk about that." He looked like he was mentally slapping himself. I decided he had tortured himself enough, and grabbed his hand.

"It's ok. We can talk about it later." I said, trying to practice my own preachings. I needed to be more open to conversations and confrontations... at least according to the internet. I guess it's more like the internet's preachings then.

Luca seemed surprised. "Sounds like a deal." He smiled.

We walked out together and left in his little grey car once again. This time, I had invited him to my house.

I was definitely nervous, but excited too. I felt like I knew so much about Luca, but he didn't know some of the deeper parts of me... I wanted to show him those parts of me... if I could get over my fear of being open, that is.

We arrived at my house. My mother wasn't home. I had already asked her beforehand if I could invite over a friend, and she took the liberty of leaving to give us "space" as she claims.

I guided Luca to the front door and opened it for him. "Welcome in. Sorry it's not the cleanest, my mom has been working late recently and I've been... slacking." I sighed truthfully.

Luca laughed. "That's ok. I'm not one to judge."

I gave him a brief tour before heading back to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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