Chapter 1: The truth about school

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Have you ever been in a place that you hate so much that you feel like throwing up every time you see it? Yeah... me too. Northwood High School is the bane of my very existence.

Every day feels like a punch in the guts. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't care less about the people at school. I'm only there for the grades so I can get the hell out of this shitty town and go to college.

Now don't get me wrong, school has its perks. I get free education, an ok-ish meal, and occasionally the entertainment of a good fight. But Northwood just isn't my style. The people here are too loud and cocky. Some days I wish my mom would've signed me up for that private school in the next town over. They have a 98% pass rate and rarely have fighting incidents.

I guess I wouldn't mind this school so much if I didn't have a bully. Or rather, an entire flock of them. They like to gang up on me because they all know they have small dicks and they don't feel manly enough. They feel threatened by me, which is why they pick on me. It's kind of sad really...

The ring of the school bell broke me away from my thoughts.

Second period was over. Onwards to lunch I guess...

Being an omega in high school is tough. They don't treat you like they did in middle school. You're expected to come to school every day, even if you don't have access to scent blockers or heat suppressants, which is actively putting people in harm's way. They treat you ok for the most part, but the "jokes" are unreal. If you thought misogyny was gonna be the worst thing, you were close.

I constantly hear sex jokes. Even dark ones about stuff I'd rather not here. I'm not afraid of them, but sometimes it does make you think...

I walked through the lunch line to get my food and plopped myself down at a random table.

Across the cafeteria, I could see my bullies. Looking at them made me feel like I was in a cliché high school movie where the nerd girl gets with the jock dude.

Never in a million years would that happen, but it's funny to think about.

Unfortunately, one of them must've sensed my gaze and alerted the others.... Now they were headed this way; likely, just to make fools of themselves.

They approached my table quickly, and their little leader or whatever, didn't look to pleased.

"Hey, faggot, why don't you keep your eyes to yourself and stop gawking at us. I mean, we get it, we're cool, good-looking, successful, and the whole deal... but we're not into that. Do yourself a favor and stick to what you've got... a sad little table full of losers just like you. I'm sure it won't be impossible for you to find a more... suitable... person around here..." He said.

Wow, what a long-winded asshole. All that just because I was looking at him for half a second too long.

I didn't give him the benefit of me responding. He would enjoy that too much. So, I watched him get pissed and walk away, with four other alphas following behind him.

One of the blonde ones turned around to glance at me as they walked away. I gave him a nasty glare. He was pretty quick to turn himself around.

I've learned not to react anymore. They just go away eventually. Sure, it hurts, even makes me cry sometimes... but it's nothing I can't handle. It's been the same way for the past decade of my life at least. I simply don't care anymore. It's not worth my time to try and compromise or report them to the staff.

It's not so bad anyways. It's not like they're dunking my head in a toilet or giving me a wedgie and hanging me from the flag pole. Real life still sucks though.

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