Chapter 5: Football Game

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So much was going through my head. I wasn't sure what to even think right now. I have a secret admirer who won't tell me anything about themself, and Luca invited me to his football game for some reason.

I'm still trying to figure out what the latter means. I'm not sure what I think of him anymore. He just seems like a big ball of nerves, and honestly he's always been sort of quiet now that I think about it.

Even when Andrew and his little group of bastards decide to come mess with me, Luca never says anything. He just kind of follows Andrew around like a lost puppy and laughs at all of his jokes. I mean, I certainly don't like him, but I don't hate him either.

Look, I may seem like an asshole, but I do have a heart. I know he's not what he seems, and I know he's trying to get me to see that, but a part of me doesn't want to. I'm so used to seeing him as this absolute piece of shit alpha... it's hard to believe something else entirely now.

And that fact that I could've been... wrong.

I also don't know if this is a trap or not. It very well could be. Andrew could be trying to use him to pull a fast one on me or something. Who the fuck knows...

All I know is that Luca isn't a bad guy. As much as I want to believe it, he's not. And he openly admitted that he thinks the other guys are assholes... unless he was lying. But... he definitely wasn't.

God, this is so difficult, because I don't know what to do. I don't really want to go to the game, but now I'm almost starting to think I should, just so I don't seem like a complete asshole. But I don't want him to think we're buddies now either. It's hard...

Third period arrived, and I sat down per usual. What threw me off, was that Luca never showed up. He had the egg, too...

This was the exact reason I didn't want to give him the egg. Damn... I really hope he didn't break it.

I filled out my paper to the best of my ability and hoped for the best. I hate to say it, but I'm kind of worried about Luca... well not like that! I mean for the eggs sake!

God he probably crushed it with his heavy ass... or dropped it on the pavement. I could've cried just thinking about it. I cannot live with an F on my record. Report cards come out soon, after all. This project is basically the final grade for the quarter!

I can't believe the fucker didn't show up! Now I had to wait another day to get the egg. If he breaks it, I'll break his fucking nose!

After the rest of school, I went to my locker to check on... my admirer, I suppose. There were no letters or notes or poems. Just an empty beige locker. I went home after ten minutes of waiting... just in case. I should've known better than to do that.

I ended up falling asleep after eating dinner. Mom had it ready early today. I woke up after a few hours, though. My phone was buzzing.

It's me again. How was your day?

Oh hey... it was alright. You?

Could've been better...

Sorry to hear.

Eh it's alright. Not that big a deal.

I thought you were going to give me another poem today...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I couldn't come to school today because I was sick. I'll be back tomorrow though. I promise I'll give you that poem then.

Ok, it's fine. I get that.

Well, I hope you like the poem tomorrow.

I'm sure I will... goodnight.

Goodnight :)

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