Chapter 7: Breath of Relief

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Cole and I had been texting a lot more recently. I was terrified when he found out who I was... but also kind of happy at the same time. But it's getting to the point where I can tell he's starting to feel more comfortable talking to me, and I'm really glad.

I'm excited to see him today, but also somewhat nervous. I mean– I'm expecting the worst but hoping for the best. I'll understand if he doesn't want to be with me... I just want him to be happy. But... I really hope he does.

It's Monday, so today's the day. The egg project was due and so was my response from Cole... I hope he's thought about it at least.

First and second period felt like an eternity. Thankfully, third period was here. Cole was here.

I sat down next to him and flashed a smile. Was that too much? I hope not...

Mr. Wilson began his speech about the project, but I wasn't fully listening. I was too busy staring at the beautiful boy next me, who held the egg in his hands.  There was something different about him though...

He looked slightly different, and smelled different too... like, pheromone wise. He smelled sweeter and looked almost more feminine than usual. His lips were more full... and so was his face. I'm not sure why, but he really did look and smell different from Friday.

Cole turned and looked at me, causing me to whip my head around and stare at Mr. Wilson instead. My face felt hot... Hell, my whole body felt warm. I could feel his eyes on me...

I sighed and looked back at him. He was still staring. I raised my eyebrows at him and quietly chuckled. He did his cute little nervous smile and looked away. His hoodie-covered hand was raised to his face. He seemed like he was holding back laughter.

"Ok class, if you could please have your eggs ready for examination, I'll be giving you your grades. Also, please have your completed worksheets out on your desks. I would appreciate it greatly; thank you." Mr. Wilson rambled.

Cole had the egg resting in his hands, which were gently cupping it. His slender fingers were all bunched together around the egg, as if it really was a child, and he was protecting it from the world.

Mr. Wilson came around to our desks eventually and looked at the egg. "Great job! Not a single crack or break! I'm very impressed that you two worked so well together." He stated, taking the egg back from Cole.

Cole smiled and turned to me briefly before looking back at Mr. Wilson. "He's not half bad when you get to know him." He said calmly.

That was music to my ears right there. Hearing him say that about me made me elated beyond belief.  I had a strong feeling that he liked me back, but I didn't wanna push my luck. I was so anxious though... I wanted to just pick him up and carry him out of class and keep him all to myself.

Ok, I'm starting to sound like a fucking weirdo.

"Thanks..." I whispered to Cole. He turned to me again and smiled slightly.

"Any time..." He replied sweetly. He seemed happy today... The happiest I'd ever seen him. It made me giddy with excitement.

After classes were all over, I waited by Cole's locker. I was excited to see him outside of class and actually talk about stuff.

Just then, I watched him turn the corner of the hallway and walk towards me. I never realized how cute his walk is. He's fast walking but taking tiny little steps...

"Oh... hey." Cole mumbled quietly. Either that or the hallway was just loud.

"Hey." I said back.

We both gave each other a look of contentment.

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