Chapter 4: Overthinking will kill you

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It's Wednesday. I have practice again today. Hopefully I'll be in charge of the egg for that project. Cole doesn't trust me with it, because he thinks I'll break it or leave it somewhere dumb. I don't blame him...

Cole has every right to be upset at me, and I'm afraid of that. I know I messed up, and I'm already pissed at myself for saying those things to him. I wanted to be cool with the guys because if I wasn't... I was treated like an outcast.

I guess that's one of the things Cole and I share in a way... he's an outcast to the popular kids; I'm an outcast on the field. I'm pretty good as a running back, but I've been told I'm quiet.

The only thing I have working for me is I'm not the one getting harassed every day. I feel bad for Cole...

I want to make it up to him, but I mean, he's not gonna want to be best buds afterwards... He's especially not gonna wanna date me. This is so difficult it hurts.

I sighed in the already quiet room that my English class was in. English 3 isn't exactly the easiest or most fun class. It's incredibly boring. We're supposed to be reading this book but I can't focus.

I glanced up at the clock.... There was 4 minutes before the bell. I picked up my stuff and got ready to leave. Most of the other kids were doing the same.

As the bell finally rang, after the longest four minutes of my life, I headed towards fourth period. Biology... The egg... Cole...

I sat down in the chair I had been assigned; next to Cole, who was lying at the desk with his head down. The egg was sitting on top of a bundled up hoodie. Cole's signature black hoodie.

"Hey." I said. That was dumb...

Cole bolted upright and fixed his glasses. "What? Oh..." He looked disappointed to see me. Can't really blame him there.

"Good afternoon everybody. If you would please take out your eggs and start filling out your papers for today's section, that would be wonderful." Mr. Wilson directed. He sat at his desk and looked at his computer. Likely for attendance.

Cole filled out his paper attentively. He had really neat handwriting. It was almost cursive, but not quite. I began filling out my own as well.

"So, we're switching today right? The egg?" I asked. I just wanted to make sure, you know.

He looked at me, somewhat avoiding eye contact. He never looked me in the eye.

"I suppose so. Don't drop it or crack it please." He replied in a dull tone. I still wasn't entirely sure why he thought I was going to break it.

"I won't. I promise. I'll be as gentle as possible." I replied.

"Yeah..." He seemed nervous. I hate that I make him feel that way. I wanted him to be comfortable but I wasn't sure how to achieve that yet.

"If you're done filling out your paper, you should probably go ahead and take the egg..." Cole spoke up.

"Oh, yeah." I reached for the egg and gently scooped it up off the hoodie. It was cold and soft... just how I imagined Cole's skin. Ok- that was weird.

After fourth period ended, which wasn't long after our brief interaction, I headed to fifth period. I had Gym. And of course, Andrew had the same class.

"Yo dude, what's up?" He tried to greet me in a cheerful tone. Somehow it always sounded fake... like he was making fun of me almost.

"Nothing much. I have to take care of this egg for a stupid science project." I explained. I was trying to be civil and polite.

"Oh, yeah I heard the honors kids had to do that with a partner. So who'd you get? Any hot girls pair up with you?" He joked... at least I hoped he was joking. Somehow his jokes always involved misogyny or sexism of some kind.

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