Escaping School

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After you and Kick had been brought into the Library by Miss Delight, she'd informed you of what had happened since the doors had been locked. Shortly before, Craftycorn had been sent to check up on the teachers, but when the doors were locked, she'd been trapped inside with the others. Things eventually spiraled into chaos with the teachers going mad and attacking each other. The Miss Delight talking to you was only able to keep her sanity in tact by constantly reminding herself that Crafty needed protection.

"Protection from what?" You asked as you sat across a heating lamp from the Toy Teacher explaining the situation while Kick was sitting next to Crafty in the corner. "There's only one other Miss Delight left in the building. And compared to the others who lost their marbles, she's the worst." Miss Delight explained as she held the side of her head over the damaged casing. "Well, how exactly have you been able to avoid her for so long? The school must have been locked for at least a few years for it to decay this much." You asked as you looked about the ruined library.

"For a while, she'd play dead whenever she thought someone was looking at her, but she'd use the opportunity to sneak up on the other teachers and take them out in order to survive." Miss Delight explained before she asked, "Why did you and Kickin Chicken come here in the first place?" You sighed and took a moment to explain what you were planning to do in order to clear out the Red Smoke in the Gas Production Zone.

"So you need to get to the generator room in order to activate the backup power..." Miss Delight said as she crossed her arms. You nodded and thought for a moment before you asked, "Would you be willing to guide me and Kick there? You've been here for longer, so you likely better understand the layout." Miss Delight closed her eyes before replying, "It does sound like a better idea, but I have to decline. You can't forget that I'm the only one here. There's still Crafty, and she's in a less stable condition then I am."

Your gaze drifted over to the corner, where Kick was drawing on paper ripped from books with Crafty. A faint smile on her mouth could be spotted, but it was still mostly hidden by how nervous she still was. You looked back to Miss Delight as she got up and said, "But the least I can do for you is give you a map to the generator. Once you've gotten that done, you can come back and we can leave the school together." She walked over to the librarian's desk and pulled over another piece of paper, grabbing a pencil and scribbling down a map of the school.

She handed it to you as you looked it over before thanking the teacher. She walked over and placed her hand on your shoulder, before looking over at Kick and then back to you as she said, "Please come back in one piece, the both of you." You softly placed your hand on hers as you responded, "We will, don't worry." You then walked over to Kick and explained the situation. He and Crafty had a near tearful goodbye as Miss Delight opened the door and allowed you two to step back into the halls of the school. 

"Alright, you ready, Kick?" You asked as you observed the map once more and getting a feel for where you were. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, (Y/n)." Kick responded as he once again secured the grab pack onto his back and the two of you began moving forward by entering the computer lab. Almost as soon as you did, the PA system went off again and the Miss Delight voice from earlier said, "Wait- (Y/n)? I recognize you... Yes, I remember. You used to work here! How are you... alive? Hm? Barb? Oh... Barb says you're looking for your coworkers. Catnap wouldn't like that you're here..."

"Believe me, I know." You off handedly said as you held your head. The Miss Delight Voice continued, "You should leave... For your own safety." As the PA system cut out, Kick asked, "Is that what you came here for?" "Initially." You responded, "But not anymore, now I want to help free the toys here and escape." Kick was impressed at the determination in your voice as the two of you headed up and into a vent to get past the previously seen battery.

Save the Factory (Poppy Playtime Reader Insert)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon