Orphanage of Nightmares

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Looking at some of the cords lied across the floor, you spotted a battery socket that was much larger than the other ones you'd seen before. Walking about the room, you entered another area with a large hatch over the floor, and an old cutout of Catnap by a console. Looking around, you also spotted a smaller battery pack. Picking it up, you dragged it over to the smaller socket by a door next to the large socket. With a heave, you placed it into the socket and opened the door, presenting you with a new way forward.

Heading into the next room, you looked about before spotting a purple hand in a small locker in the corner of the room. You soon found a vhs on the floor and put it into a tv, which displayed information on the prototype grab pack you had strapped to your back. Along with a longer reach, it also had air jets strapped to the back to break long falls. "Yeah, cause I'd never be in a dangerous enough situation that I'd need air jets." You muttered sarcastically as you walked back out. You then spotted a purple hand mark on the ground just outside the door. Unsure if the panel was on before, you decided to try out the new purple hand you had, switching it in from your green hand.

It looked like a regular grab pack hand save for the cybernetic enhancements on the back of it, parts of which were glowing. You curiously fired the purple hand at the panel, and were sent into a panic when you went flying backwards and upwards, with the air jets activating before you hit the ground and making you land softly on your back.

You pulled yourself onto your feet once again as you looked back at the panel, noticing a platform above it. You then got an idea as you walked onto the panel before firing, sending you up into the air, allowing you to land on the platform with little issue. Walking into the adjacent room and down a set of stairs you entered some rather small corridors, which were created with all the large pipes and machinery around. You soon found another panel which let you jump up and onto a higher platform where there was yet another in front of a large gap.

After taking a running jump and making it across you came to an area where most of the ground contained some of the red smoke in the water below. Thankfully, it wasn't high enough to reach the surrounding platforms, but you still tried to hold your breath next to it when you passed. After making it across, you walked up another flight of stairs and now found yourself in the room you'd seen before.

The room was divided by a river of the red smoke, and there were a couple of the rotating electrical poles around. Getting on top of an area allowed you to get a better look at the puzzle, allowing you to solve it in a matter of minutes. Rotating the poles and completing two different circuits led to a door opening and allowing you to head back out into the main area.

With the power now coming from the room you just came from, the monitor in the center now lit up and was active, allowing you to walk up to the massive red button in the middle of the console and press it. You got a sense of satisfaction from pressing the button as you stepped back and watched as the console flared to life. You watched as the red smoke in the right tube left and entered the middle, but before it could make its way to the left, the lights went out.

All across the room, the only thing remaining of what you could see of your surroundings before you turned on an old flashlight you found was the monitor once again saying there was no power available. The atmosphere was now an eerie cold air that sent a chill, creeping up your spine as you looked about. You began to frantically look around the room, hearing noises that weren't present before, as if something was walking in the area.

Before anything else could, you were jumpscared by the phone you had ringing. You nearly dropped the flashlight to the ground as you reached for it and answered it, saying, "Ollie? Why did the lights just go out?" You heard the little boy sound worried as he said, "Oh no! Someone killed the power." "I bet you five bucks it was Catnap." You said as you began walking about. You could hear Ollie's confusion on the other side as you said, "Sorry. I tend to process stressful situations with sass. But how am I going to get the power back on?"

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