Return to the old factory.

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You took a deep breath as you parked your car in the old parking lot of you're previous job, when you left Playtime Co. you managed to get a job as an architect with the knowledge you gained here. It was dusk as you walked up, taking another look at the letter, and yep. It hadn't changed since you received it yesterday. It still read, 'everyone thinks the staff dissapeared 10 years ago, WER'E STILL HERE. Find the flower.' The errors in the letter made you nervous as you held the key you'd also received to get into the place, it was old and a little rusty, but otherwise in working order. "Alright Playtime..." you said out loud as you pushed the key into the door, "Let's see what happened." You turned the key and unlocked the door, the old frame creaking from misuse. As you entered the lobby, the memories of working here came back to you almost instantly.

Leaves were scattered in front of the doors, and a very unsettling vibe all round. A shiver flew up your spine as you noticed an old vhs tape on the desk, you walked over and picked it up. You vaugly remember the head of innovations and security, Leith Piere making this as a security warning. You put it into a nearby vcr and watched the TV above it.

"Hi, My name is Leith Piere, and I'm the Head of innovation here at the Playtime Co. toy factory." The old tape chimed as you walked off and it continued, you'd heard it a few times as you were usually one of the last to leave for the day, so you'd heard the tape play on occasion. You walked up to the main security office and noticed the keypad. "What was the code to get in again? Green... Pink... Yellow and Red?" You mumbled to yourself as you punched in the colors, the door then unlocked and you lightly fist pumped the air, "Nice, still got it." You were about to walk in when you heard something. It sounded like a voice but you couldn't tell what made it, you looked behind you and across the hall to see the gift shop, the doors closed you had slight suspicion of what it was.

You put off investigating the security room for now as you walked across the main foyer and into the gift shop, toys were strewn about the shelves and the train up on the ceiling was somehow still running. You then picked up the sound of whimpering as you looked about. "Hello? Is anyone here?" You called into the room, then the unthinkable happened.

 The Head of a Boogie Bot toy peaked up from behind the counter, but it was about four times the natural size of the others in the room

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 The Head of a Boogie Bot toy peaked up from behind the counter, but it was about four times the natural size of the others in the room. You yelled in surprise as you jumped back, the Boogie Bot also jumping and ducking behind the desk again. You shook off the nerves and insanity of it, seeing you scared the Bot, you knelt down as you softly apologized, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't mean any harm, you just... caught me off gaurd is all."

The Boogie Bot peeked it's head up again and looked at you as you looked back. You noticed digital tears on the bots face and the clearly frightened expression in its eyes. You raised your hands to show you didn't mean any harm, and gave the robot a kind expression. It slowly rolled out from behind the desk and slowly up to you. It looked you up and down and apeared to be scanning you, then it spoke, "F-fr... friend?" You nodded and slowly opened your arms, you wrapped your arms around the Boogie Bot in a soft and gentle hug as it slowly returned it. When you let go it wiped its visor and the tears vanished. "W-who are you? What are you doing here?" The Boogie Bot asked. "My name is (Your/Name) and I used to work here. I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that the staff that disappeared ten years ago were still here." I responded as I sat down, "You seem to be a little lonely, do you want to come with me? I could use a guide since things likely changed since I was last here."

The Boogie Bot looked down a little and seemed to be pondering, it then looked down and said, "Yes, I've been alone for so long. I'd like to join you." You nodded and stood up, you motioned for The Boogie Bot to follow you as you headed back over to the security room. As you arrived, you noticed another vhs tape, you picked it up and put it in the vcr. "What is that?" Boogie Bot asked as you two watched. "Looks like instructions on how to handle the Grab Pack, but..." You went over to a hole in the wall and pulled out a blue hand, "It looks like both the key part of the Grab Pack and the Right hand are missing. This is troublesome as I remember some doors needing to be activated with the hands from a Grab Pack." The Boogie Bot looked at its claws and then thought of something. "Well I can stretch my arms. I think I might be able to reach certain parts that require a Grab Pack." He said as you thought about the idea.

"That sounds like a great idea! Good thinking Boogie Bot." You gave the Boogie Bot a thumbs up, and he stared at you with surprise in his expression. "No one has ever complimented me before. T-thank you." He said as he hugged your waist, with you standing up he was about half your hight. You returned it and soon you two went over to the door right behind the main desk. Up at the top was a scanner with a blue hand print on it. You handed Boggie Bot the blue hand you picked up as he fired his claw forward and the hand slapped the scanner. Once the door began to open, Boogie Bot retracted his claw and handed the hand back to you. As the door opened and you walked into the main area you two were met with a large twelve foot tall version of Huggy Wuggy.

As the giant plush stared into the distance with a big smile on its face, You and boogie bot saw the scanner for another door, with only the blue hand available, it was the only place you could go

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As the giant plush stared into the distance with a big smile on its face, You and boogie bot saw the scanner for another door, with only the blue hand available, it was the only place you could go. Boogie Bot pressed the hand up to the scanner but the power shorted out. You sighed as you had to think of another way through, but a jangle of keys caught your attention. You turned around only to see Boogie Bot and Huggy in the room, but Huggy now had a key in his right hand. "Hey Boogie Bot, look." You said as you pointed up to the key that was now dangling, "You think you'd be able to reach it?" The Little robot looked unsure, but nodded and shot one of his claws forward, he grabbed it and handed it to you. "Thanks little buddy." You said to the bot as you took the key and inserted it into the door leading to the power room.

The two of you entered and scanned the area, finding it to be mostly full of lockers but also having a power outlet, you were struck with another dilemma. "We need some type of wire in order to get the power back on, but I'm not seeing any. Maybe we should check the lockers for anything." You suggested as the two of you went locker by locker looking for anything that could be useful. Pretty soon you found a piece of candy, deciding to pocket it for later, you also found some wires that were made of the same type used on a Grab Pack. "Bingo!" You said as you pulled the wire out, "Hey little buddy, I could use your help." The Boogie Bot rolled over and tilted his head. "If you give me the blue hand, I might be able to jury rig a type of grapple and get the power back on." You explained as you held up the wire. Boogie Bot nodded and handed the blue hand over to you, you shoved one end of the wire into the hand and lightly pulled on it to test it out. It was sturdy so you went on with your plan of using the wire to drag a power signal over to an input in the wall.

With a spark you heard everything power up, you rolled up the wire and put it over your shoulder to make it easier to carry. You and Boogie Bot went back to the main area only to notice something... Huggy was missing from his original spot, you gulped as Boggie Bot slapped the hand on the scanner and it started working, soon the door opened and you walked down ahead of Boogie Bot, then you noticed a familiar hand slide away into a door. You looked to the scared Boogie Bot and slowly opened the door. Ready for anything to happen.

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