Operation: Recovery

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"The three of you have been selected for a very important task." The boss said to the three people that stood in front of him standing firm, "Recently we've lost some very important assets in a much older part of the Playtime Co. Factory. And we need you three to retrieve them. We sent an Employee down about a week ago but he still hasn't returned." "If I may ask Mr. Pierre... Who was this employee that you previously sent down?" Asked the female of the group, a Mexican woman by the name of Aroura Adam. "The man in question was a relatively new employee by the name of Rowan Stoll. But your assigned task Mrs. Adam is to reclaim the blueprints of some new products that haven't been uploaded into the system prior to losing them down there." The man who went by Mr. Pierre replied as he handed a folder to the woman that contained a map of the lower level.

"Your mission Mr. Deddomīto," Mr. Pierre began as he turned to the Japanese man by the name of Blake Deddomīto who looked extremely disinterested and was just smoking a cigar before looking at the Man, "Your mission is to recover any physical assets down there. For example prototypes of future toys. And finally..." Mr. Pierre finally turned to a Caucasian Blonde man who was taking notes the entire time, an Ex Marines Officer who was in his early thirties named Sammuel Weaver. "Mr. Weaver. Your mission is to see if you can locate Rowan Stoll down there. I've heard of your remarkable tracking exploits in your time in the Army, so I expect a great success from all of you." The man said as he looked to the three, "Each of you will be equipped with a Playtime Co. Patented Grab Pack, I'm aware you've all taken the instruction program for them and I wish you good luck."

The three nodded before they walked to the nearby wall that had the previously mentioned Grab Packs and carefully equipped each of them. "Alright. Let's do this." Aroura said as the three headed to the stairwell that lead down into the oldest part of the factory. "Okay. From the security footage it showed Rowan heading into the east wing of this floor. I'll head that way while Aroura, you take the west wing. And Blake, you're north. Affirmative?" Sam said as he turned to the two, Aroura nodded while Blake rolled his eyes and saluted. The three headed off in their own directions, each turning on a flashlight so they could see.

Sam slowly made his way down the path he'd chosen, keeping his eye out for anything that seemed out of place. As he turned a corner, he saw another flight of stairs, and his flashlight revealed that there were footprints in the layers of dust coating the floor. Cautiously Sam pulled out a Pistol he'd kept on him since his time in the Marines and slowly made his way down the stairs, shining his light just above his firearm. He turned the corner at the bottom of the stairwell and slowly followed the footsteps before they came to a stop in the middle of a large room, with a large square marking not far from where the footsteps ended, as well as dry droplets of blood on the floor around the area.

Sam listened as quietly as he could for any form of movement, and as he picked up the sound of what seemed to be a music box in the distance, he quickly shined his flashlight down the open doorway and saw at the very end... was a large Jack in the Box toy with the crank turning all on its own. He then saw panels open on the sides, bottom, and top of the box, with furry red limbs attached to springs coming out of the sides and bottom, and a large cube like head with a grotesque and bloodied mouth full of sharp teeth and two beady eyes coming out of the top.

The creature looked at Sam for a split second before cracking its neck and sprinting forward. Sam instantly pulled the trigger and sent several rounds of lead flying in the direction of the creature, but it ducked into the box once again and the bullets just bounced right off before it continued. Trying to outsmart the creature, Sam tried firing at one of the creatures limbs before quickly switching to another, but it wasn't long before all that came out of his gun was the clicking of an empty magazine. Sam dove to the side as the creature rocketed past and slammed into a nearby shelving unit. Quickly getting up, Sam ditched the rather heavy Grab Pack as he made a B-Line for the stairway he came up, reloading his gun in the process with an emergency mag he carried in his back pocket.

As he almost made it around the corner, he felt something grab his ankle, and he turned to see the creature aiming one of the hand launchers at him, with the blue hand at the end latched onto his ankle. The creature then pressed the recall button on the launcher as the blue hand came flying back, with Sam in tow. Quickly formulating a plan, Sam waited as the creature opened its jagged mouth and once it was right in front of him...

...he pulled the trigger and sent a single round straight through the creatures throat. The beast screamed in agony as Sam got up and slammed his boot into the cable holding the blue hand to the Grab Pack launcher, effectively snapping it. He then took off once again as the Creature continued to scream, blood coming out from both sides of the new hole in its throat.

As Sam made it up the stairs and ran back the way he and the others had come, he noticed their dead bodies in the distance as he shook his head and ran up the stairs to the upper levels of the factory, he slammed the stairwell door behind him and quickly found his way back to Leith Pierre's office. "Mr. Pierre!" Sam desperately said as he burst through the door, seeing the man observing something on his monitor before he turned up to Sam, "There's... I don't really know but there's some sort of murderous creature down there. It... it... ugh..." Sam held his head as he saw Leith put on some sort of gas mask as red smoke began to fill the room.

"Oh I know about Boxy Boo down there. And I'm proud to say you've completed the test, and now your ready for phase two." Leith said as he walked up to Sam who was now on his knees as he held the man's chin and faced him up to the gas mask, "Welcome to Project: Playtime. 1-1-7-0."

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