Let the Games Begin

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"It's been so... loong."

You and Huggy looked as the creature above them slowly walked down the walls. It's pure green eyes giving off a very unsettling feel. "Isn't this exciting Poppy?" The creature you now recognized as a large version of the Mommy Long Legs toy that was made by Playtime Co in the early nineties, she then revealed Poppy in her other hand with a bit of webbing you didn't even wanna know where it came from stuck to her mouth as she used Poppy as a marionette, "Very exciting Mommy." She said mimicking Poppys high voice. "Mommy heard that Ms. Poppy was going to just GIVE you the train code to escape. Now how is that fun?" A yelp from Huggy lead to you turning around and see that he was being picked up by Mommy's other hand. "Hey! Let him go!" You shouted at the deranged toy as the pulled him up and continued talking. "Instead, why don't we make a game out of it? The Game Station is still working. It will be just like old times."

"You think this is some sick game!?" You shouted back at her. Her smile faded and then started to squeeze Huggy as he let out a cry of pain, then a small crack you heard caused you to intervene. "No Stop! ... I'll play your games." You said as the smile reappeared on her face. ""And if you win all three games, I'll give you the train code." *Gasp* Mommy loves that idea Poppy, and after you complete a game, I'll return one of your friends. Ooh you're going to have so much fun! Head to Musical Memory, and Mommy will get things started." She monologed as she started to get closer to your face, "Obey the Rules. Or I'll tear you apart, and eat your insides... while you're still... alive... *giggles*" She cackled as she dissapeared into the darkness with both Huggy and Poppy, and you were now on your own. The door ahead somehow managed to open revealing another door with a lever nearby.

You pulled down the lever and the door slowly opened, revealing the wide open space of the Game Station. Everything old and covered in webs, you walked up to the platform that had the train right next to it. A part of you just wanted to get out then but you couldn't leave your new friends behind, not with that freak. You looked to a lever that had a blinking red light above it, you yanked it down and heard the Playtime Co. Jingle before a voice sounded out on the PA system, "Hi kids! Welcome to the Game Station! I'm Stella, and we've got three super duper fun games to play. These little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are! Follow Mommy Long Legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing Musical Memory! See you in a bit!" You headed to the respective area with an image of the character Bunzo Bunny on it.

Fast forward a bit because the main door was blocked and you had to take a different route which lead to you finding a replacement hand for the one Mommy Long Legs stole. You finally reached the main area for Musical Memory. "Alright Mommy Long Legs. I'm here, what do you need me to do?" You said out loud as the platform behind you lowered and a bunch of screens turned on around you, beginning to show a tutorial of how to play Musical Memory. "A human!? What are you doing here!?" Came a whisper from above, you looked up and saw a large plush version of Bunzo Bunny himself up a tall shaft, "Don't you know what she'll do to you!?" "Bunzo? What are you doing up there?" You asked as he apeared to be shaking in fear. But your thoughts were interupted by a voice that apeared to shake Bunzo to his core.

"Oh isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years. Mommy can only imagine how exited Bunzo must be, it's been such a long time since he's been able to play... to cheer... to eat..." You looked up as Bunzo began lowering towards you. As soon as he stopped he clashed his symbols. "I'm so sorry..." Bunzo whispered to you, "She'll have my head if I don't cooperate." "Don't worry Bunzo. Once I find my friends, we're going to get out of here. I promise. Call me (Y/N)." You whispered as he rose back up, and the game begun. Despite the circumstances, you tried to remain calm and responded as best you could, however. When so many buttons apeared that were out of your reach, you began to panic. You saw an emergency stop button apear and spiral around the other buttons, you grabbed the blue hand you still had on you and with the right timing, threw it and managed to hit the button as Bunzo stopped a few feet above your head.

Both of you let out an audible sigh as Mommy Long Legs started talking again, "Oh... it broke. That's no fun... for doing such a splendid job-" "For doing a lucky job!" You called out to her, "You tried to cheat to get me to lose! But I won fair and square, now give me that train code and give me my friends!" You shot right back at her as you looked at the observation window she was in. She then pounded on the glass and shouted, "Shut up you stupi-" She stopped and apeared to recompose herself, "Despite your attitude, Mommy had decided to give you... Part of the train code. And ONE of your little friends. Take them." You heard her drop something down the shaft as a familiar scream sounded out. "Where's that coming fro-Agh!" Bunzo said as he was hit in the back by Boogie Bot and the wire he had stuck to his back snapped as you dodged out of the way.

"Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer. It's okay though. Mommy knows... other ways to play with you." She said as she slipped into the darkness. And the bridge rose back up. You helped the two up as Boogie Bot tackled you, and Bunzo did the same. You three got up, ready to face the coming challenges.

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