The Aftermath

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891 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

Olivia Storm Corsair

The City of Ashview

After that event...At Wallerby Castle.

Liv felt so exhausted, she fell down on her knees and collapsed on the floor, while her family hovered around her. Pretty soon medical teams were all over the victims that fled out. But all Olivia was concerned for about was her family and the young teen Elven girl. She ran over and hugged them. Her stepmother Violet, and father King Leo, had some minor injuries. The young Elven girl was skinny but tall, but she was thankful for the save.

 "Are you alright?" she asked the child.

 "I'm better than I should be." She examined her by touching her auburn hands. She had a few burns there and her left arm was caught in the wall when some debris had fallen near her. Liv was able to get her arm out and used her healing abilities to keep her arm in a bandage until she got to the hospital.

Olivia wanted to know where the girl's family was. But knowing what had just happened with Firash, she knew she might have lost them. She hugged the girl and implored her to come with them back to the city afterward. She would later find out her name was Tiada Prentiss. Her family was found to have been in the service of the King during the war.

 Outside the Castle, the King's crews were employed to fix the structure of the hallway and all the steps and floors below. The King ordered that the crews work nonstop to repair the mess of the destruction of the buildings. That would be a hefty sum, but the King afforded it on himself. Her father knew the fires from what Firash had done had to be put out. So, he got all the professional services around the city of Ashview, Capitol City of the Kingdom to do it.

And he executed the best plans that would extinguish the fires and get the recovery systems in place. And one of the crew members that was in the repair squad for the major cities to get repair crews going was the former hunter/tracker, Phillipe Gustav, her friend that saved her from a near drowning several years ago. And he was in the hospital getting treatment for burns.

"Well, look who showed their real the game." He opened his arms to her. Olivia stared at him, smiled with her former buck teeth in cheesy accuracy. She hit him in the shoulder and took a seat in the small but cozy room. 

"Hey...! I'm hurtin' here." Liv immediately quipped, "You'll be more than that if you don't tell me where you've been since we last met. I had heard you enlisted in my father's regime after Firash's squad landed in Denbrook. Firash's orc army hit that place hard."

 "Yes. My friends had to cordon most of the citizens over in the huts and the med units were shaved in certain sections. I was there taking the men in after they were injured. Recording the numbers and helping Harry improve our odds on the field."

Soon a nurse entered the room and monitored his short-wave micro emitting machine. It was connected to tubes which were connected to Phillipe. 

"After the odds improved for ...him, I took my talents back here to the Capitol City to help the front line. For a lot o' good tat' did." 

Liv took a bit of her arrows that she refitted with the ice caps laced it with twine and shined them up with oil and cloth. "You saved my father's men from going on nonsensical routes into orc traps and because of that you saved them another day." she replied.

 "Is that what your Highness said?" 

"No. It's what I said when I reviewed the battle plans in the armory." He smirked at her.

"You're a good man, Phillipe Gustave, okay warrior."

"I don't know about that. I had to compromise my integrity earlier on with what happened afterward with those beasts." He lowered his head and gave a sigh. 

The Elven Slayer PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora