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"An Elven princess. The Elves, for those who don't know...Most were banished by human society for bringing blood magic, sorcery, and the dark arts to this realm but apparently some survived. Apparently, there's no justice for crimes committed against humanity...!" That statement is the prelude for the actions committed in this story.

780 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule) 

A century ago... In Ashview Castle, the castle that many a King had taken residence at. It had been a safe haven to many a King or Queen in the past. But it was not without trouble or consequences. Up until then, it had been relatively peaceful. But something happened to change that. An unusual event.

The Castle of Ashview was hosting its Century Feathers Wing Masquerade, every century to honor human soldiers who had lost their loved ones in previous wars. It was a tribute by King Leonidas's father, King Ragnar who gave his life for the community. At this event, the Masquerade was hosted by the King and Queen. Their members included several hundred of the King's family and relatives. The party was supposed to be a fun but necessary event, at least that's what King Ragnar thought.

King Ragna, with his full beard, which looked regal, in his stately manner, wrapped in his royal flannel gear. Members of the Royal House looked at him and smiled as he nodded. Ragna came down dressed in his purple accoutrements with six of his royal bodyguards, as one of his assistants, addressed him, in the King's Court. King Ragnar mostly had a stocky build, but he tried in his later life to kinder than he had been previously, his wife made sure of that.

He could hear members of the Guard marching down the path in the silver and gold. A fanfare of trumpets welcomed the guard. This was a special day in his life. It was daughter's wedding day. His wife Trista, who had been with him since the early days of the royal courtship. She settled him in that he would definitely say she was the smarter and more beautiful of the two. The daughters of the royal crowd were in awe of her beauty, kindness and welcoming grace to everyone.

She subtly whispered in his ear, coming down the staircase, "My King, my love, relax. It is our daughter's grand entrance into her life. We should happy. Don't let the crowd's insect like crawl and annoying, cloying, pandering to get to you. Look, here she comes."

King Ragna grumbled in low murmurs. What descended was a young woman with long black curls with dressy ribbons in a soft pink long evening dress. It had mini flowers up and down the dress, with a v-curve at the neckline. Her father looked over to her and smiled.

She was the vision that her mother had said at her, the night before. "My daughter. The angels give credit to you. And the dresser and the sewer, which took the time to create this magnificent dress, should think about getting a raise. They did an amazing job."

His daughter thought her father was just saying that for effect. He had that way about him, but he meant it. "My adoring sweet father, ever forward in his approach."

She hugged her father, meeting him at the end of the staircase. He pulled her away from a section that was too crowded for them. Two of his royal guard walked slowly behind them. He turned back and noticed, carefully dressed in his royal best.

They were not to approach him on special days like this unless it was a serious acknowledgement. "Sir, can we get a moment of your time?" The King tapped his daughter and reassured her and told him to wait for their dance after she tied the knot. "Always, dad. You always come first." She spoke.

In a secure corner of the room, he twitched for some reason he started to sweat. "What's the problem, men?" asked the King. The armed guards were looking back as well making sure no one caught them with their side arms settled in their sleeves. "Sir, there has been movement in the underground prisons." said his elite guardsman. "Can we handle it?" asked the King. "There is unexpected movement. Doors were blown off. Creatures escaped." The King stared at his men in shock. But he didn't want to give any sense of hopelessness to his people. He then said in a serious tone, "Close off the site, immediately. My daughter does not need this. She has waited her whole life for this. I cannot mess this up. Do what you have to do."

The Elven Slayer PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora