The Fight Part 1

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Olivia Storm Corsair.

November 885 A.E.

     Crisp breezes blew from the North in which the cold wind arced through the path of the Hemtani River. Olivia shivered as she realized she had no way out of this. The Elven warriors didn't care to barter with her. They didn't want to spare her feelings. They wanted what they lost to her father which were their positions in the Royal army and their inheritances foretold by the Elven scrolls. And they were prepared to go through her to get it. Olivia crouched down in the mud with her feet planted in the soil in the Lowlands Valley. She was tired, her engagement with the rogue party took some energy from her. But she had no choice, she had to climb that mountain and find the Elven Seeker. In order to do that, she hitched a ride with several passersby in the back of a wagon. These passersby were from the Royal Court. They were trying to get away for a week from the King's festivities to decompress. The King had sent soldiers outside the city to guard against reprisal.

Pretty soon when the wagon arrived into the next town, they passed through the vast valley in between towns. As it did the sky darkened. The clouds seemed to coalesce between the upper atmosphere and the fading sun in the background. Olivia graced the window in the tight-fitting vehicle, hoping that there would not be any impediments to her reaching the famed Scars Bone Mountain. Suddenly they felt an immediate a bump on the road. The wagon carrying goods, materials and supplies to the next village swerved and screeched to a halt.

  Olivia was pushed forward in the cart against the backseat of the driver. There were four teen elves obstructing the road. The wind was blowing and they were gesturing to the driver to pull over. Liv saw one of them wave their hands and fire erupted from them. A ball of flame flew directly at the rough and tumble wagon. Olivia knew she was in fear of her life that she had to get everyone to safety. She grabbed the driver and opened the door as she flew out of there as the wagon tumbled and then exploded. She was caught in the sear of the explosion. Her back felt the singe of the wooden mechanics surrounding the vehicle ripping into her.

  She tried not to scream because they might hear her. The driver and her were tossed to the ground. Then things got hazy. She barely heard several voices coming toward the mess that was. The driver was blown out and unconscious. Olivia tried to lift her head towards the teens. Her vision was blurred. She felt her head. Her head hurt. It must of been because of the way she hit the road. That should have been expected. What was not expected was what she heard one of them say. "Ha Ha We finally got them. Hurry get the jewels. The bags and the box in the back. Maybe we can ransom them off to the highest bidder..." And keep the rest for ourselves!" exclaimed the taller one, black haired one. "Grab them before that prim princess gets her gathers and decides to act like the hero!" screamed the black booted teen fae.

  Then she heard one of the teens tell one of their own, "They don't have anything on them!" Another one yelled, "Check their purses, boxes, inside the seats, anywhere! There's got to be something we can give to his lordship!" "As the fae neared the turned over vehicle, its flames licking the side of the wagon, Liv had fierce determination to get up and force herself to defend her surroundings. She knew this was going to be her toughest fight. One that she didn't think that she was ready for. The teen rogues obviously had been watching her, from afar. after she got back from the rogue commander's residence.

  Liv finally stood in the wake of the destruction, and through the smoke and debris, saw her opponents. There were four Elven warriors who were standing in her way. With the little fight training she had, she didn't know whether she could take them, especially the teen warrior standing before her.

  The first one had black hair that blew in the crescent wind from the north. Her name was Vanessa Senwick. Her emerald eyes shone in the fading sun that was beating down on them from the water. The taut, lean, muscular Elf advanced on her quickly, her steps, moving swiftly but lightly with her boots. Olivia had seen to recover quickly from the explosion. She moved slightly out of the way of the nimble graceful warrior teen. Nessa smiled at the chance at engaging with the pomp and pretty royal.

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