The Confrontation Part 3

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890 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

Olivia Storm Corsair

Olivia sat there in a corner unmoving in an unlit room in the Castle for hours while the rain and lightning splashed through the streets. It had been a long night. She had been listening to what had been happening downstairs. She rubbed her shoulders and knees. They ached from soreness. But she couldn't worry about that. Her family was in this Castle. Firash left her a note at the entrance of the Elven Forest.

She knew that because she felt his presence and it smelled of his sulfur fragrance on the letter. It literally made her sick. She gagged thinking about him. She got here preferably in shadow. But with the commotion made by the others it brought the Night Elves aggressive search. One of them saw her leaving a room. And she tried to duck in this abandoned room. But she didn't know if the assailant saw her.

Liv stood up and listened against the door. She heard nothing. She looked through the peephole and saw the same wall that she had left. She knew they were double checking all the doors in this floor. But she didn't know when they would appear. She listened again. She heard some mumbles. 

"...Those rebellious upstarts are tearing the Castle apart...! We should do something!" "The Lord of Lords said we guard these rooms up here." "But there's gold here! I heard one of them said downstairs. If we grab it, it's ours!" "I say we stay in this hall. And wait till we hear otherwise. From the boss!"

The Dark Elf grunted and waved his hand away from him. "You're too much for rules! I'm doing what I want to do. Beside ain't no one going to know." The guard neared the door Liv was crouched in. Liv's purple eyelids narrowed in the dark. She was ready for them. 

She had enough of his threats and his bold men destroying homes in Ashview, Denbrook, and in New Manteau. He opened the door. "Jessie, turn on the lights!" The Night Elf walked over and neared the light fixture. And it clicked on. What they saw were many wooden storage boxes. "Man. What are these for?"

He opened one of the boxes. They had several knick knacks, baubles, trinkets and what not. He tore through another chest, and it was full of clothes. "Come here! Look at this." Expensive clothes. Jewelry. One of them shined in the incandescent light. "So, this is what he's keeping in here."said Jessie. The other Night elf wasn't surprised. "He collects clothes, and shoes, weird ornaments, so what?" "I'm wondering what's in here." said Jessie. The chest was partially hidden by a toy horse and several wardrobes next to a closet. The closet that Liv hid behind. And it was getting dusty in there.

Both the Night elves gathered around and moved the heavy chest away from the door. "Man, don't hit it on anything. You don't want to wake the dead. There have been whispers." They dropped the chest in the middle of the floor. "How does he expect anyone to lift...?" "Achoo..." They look around and Jessie looks at his buddy. "Was that you?" "No!" yelled Earnest. They both look at each other. "Achoo!" "That wasn't me!" "There's someone in here with us." replied Jessie. "Why would someone be in..." replied Earnest. "Maybe they're after the gold...Like we are."

"It came from back there in the closet." They apprehensively move towards the closet. Olivia full well knowing what that could mean. But she was prepared. "Who's there? Come out. You can't hide for too much longer!" She crouched down and held her nose and wiped the tingle in it she had. She wished she had grabbed a handkerchief from that assassin before he died. And humans needed more people to clean out their closets. She held her sword and waited. The door opened.

Then she pounced on them. She cut a gash on Jessie's arm. Jessie and Earnest both staggered back. "It's a girl!" He took a good look at her. And he's shocked. "She's... the elf assassin that our boss is looking for! Grab her!" Before both of them could touch her she somersaulted over them near the chest. "Where's your boss?" She demanded. 

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