...This Cruelest Night Part 1

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Present time.

Time had been running short for Olivia and her friend, Timone, to get where they were going. And that was the mountainous region called Scarsbone Mountain. It was an area that was not conducive to people living there. There were few regions less tolerable within the world. But Liv was determined to fulfill her quest to find her family and discover who was behind kicking her family out of the Kingdom. But to do that she needed to find one person. An Elven Goddess/warrior named Lyriel Lilyanha. The Goddess that was an elite warrior on their home world. She fought and defended against the powerful Uruks 570 years ago. She took her warrior group to task in eliminating the Uruk brutal hordes that were descending upon their people.

Lyriel saw them tear into Elven forces as they ran through the Valforean forest with their super senses. They were able use their noses and their immediate reactions to catch her forces unawares. But a particular battle saw Lyriel use her staff and her quick abilities to get the Uruk warrior horde in her trap. She used the bison and oxen in the area as her movement vehicles. Back then the animals were more on the move since there was little grassland and vegetation. And Lyriel was not one to wait and loiter.

Which Liv wasn't one to do either. Liv had made plans to set up base camp by nighttime. They had gotten their foodstuffs, equipment, and supplies at a previous shop that her friend Harry had mentioned. So, Liv set her pace through the day with her magnificent horse Silverheart to gallop until she and Timoni were tired and needed food and sleep for the night.

During these treks, she was able to think on what this warrior was like and if she and her were related. From what she had heard she had skills beyond what Liv had thought. And that she could possibly help. They soon came to an impasse. The freezing inclement weather and recent rain had made the ford not passable by horse. So, Liv and Timoni had to get off the horse and trod in the slippery wet snow. But there were thick clumps of snow on the trees in the distance. "You think we'll reach base camp by nightfall?" asked Timoni. "Well, with this recent snowfall, and the ice it might be harder than we think. But we should if we keep going." replied Liv.

The patches of ice on the road were ominous. As they trotted through, they passed tree limbs close together. Olivia had to be careful in slipping or not stepping on a frozen but brittle rock that was underneath them. Their horse Silverheart whinnied as she held him by leather straps as her and Tim were travelling through the snow. They could literally hear faint bird sounds along with the crunches of the horse's steps. She noticed some of the tree limbs nestled against the side of the iced path. Timoni shivered next to their horse wrapping up with his warm coat and gloves. As they walked, Liv looked at him and realized that he hadn't eaten much since they left the elven ambush. She hadn't either but as elves they didn't require much food normally. Only while under duress. "Are you hungry, Timoni?" He looked her and could see that he did not want to make a fuss, so she started to use her sword to cut the low-lying branches in the way.

It would provide two benefits. One it would let them traverse easier through the thick foliage of the land, and two she could get a workout of her muscles in preparation for the test she probably would receive later on. Tim used his dagger and did the same, cutting down icy leaves as they travelled. This went for about an hour and then they rested. Usually getting some water from a nearby creek or a stream that wasn't completely iced over. She also climbed up and found a pack of berries that were nestled in the high foliage of the trees. Her and Timoni munched on them as they were travelling. They were hidden but she learned to look for good spots. Every now and then they would hear other animal sounds. Like birds hooting, and the occasional deer being spotted behind a tree. Liv smiled when she saw that. Because she knew it was as nature intended.

They knew they had to keep moving though to reach the mountain peak, so Timoni picked up their bags and attached them to their horse. Just then as the sun started to descend in the horizon, they heard two distinctive noises. And they saw the native deer pick up and gallop away. Liv's ears began to sense someone or something else was standing near them. They heard wolf howls in the distance. Timoni in response backed away and listened. They heard them again and then saw the pack of wolves. Four of them. The wolves looked hungry as they licked their lips. And not conducive to listening to reason. One of them was obviously the leader, scouting ahead watching for any other predators. The other two were sniffing around for bits of meat.

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