The Fight Part 2

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   Hearing what Nessa said, Liv continued in her trance. Having these powers enables Olivia to focus on past events. Like her time when she was younger. She went from school to school not thinking about her circumstances or where she was. But there was something that drew Liv to Nessa. Liv was herself a loner. Having powers like she had made her stand out.

Many of her classmates didn't like to associate with her kind. The new type of humans, they whispered. The dangerous kind. Her classmates didn't want her hanging out with them. Liv touched one of the classmates on the chest and felt their fear. It was a surprising wave of emotion. She then touched another and felt even more fear. She backed away.

   She saw the waves of emotions clearly as ripples in the ocean. She focused her energy on emitting calm waves. But she couldn't. There was halt to it. Olivia tried again. Liv touched a friend she knew, Janae. But Janae turned to her scared. "Get away from me! I can't stand you! You should go back where you come from! The hinterland wastes of Avermel!" There was an irrational fear coming from her.

Olivia didn't understand that. Liv knew that the Hinterland wastes were an abandoned barren desert where only convicts, criminals go to die. There had been some Elves that went there but those that did were few and far between.

   Olivia tried to advance to her but as soon as she did, a sharp wave hit her and knocked her back into the wall. And it happened again. And again. She realized then that the fear that was coming from her friend Janae wasn't Janae's but...Nessa.

Then just as she realized this the crowd of kids started moving closer and closer to her. The waves were emanating off of them, like radiation.

"...Can't stand you... Can't stand you...You should go back...go back...go back..." said the elven teen.

"Stop it!" Olivia screamed. The voices kept getting louder and louder. She closed her eyes hoping the voices would disappear. But they didn't.

   Until she heard a familiar voice call her name. One she'd heard several times before. It came in low. Like somewhere far off and then she could hear it coming in loudly.

The voice said, "...Olivia, Your name is not just a name. It explains who you are. You are the storm that ebbs and flows. You are the storm that washed away the heavy tide in my life. You are the little pool of water for everyone to drink. It's up to you..." She heard her mother speak.

"Storm. She called me Storm." And that was the spark. Something elemental in nature awoke in her. She felt stronger. Olivia lifted up her head and saw the crowd of teens. The color of her irises had changed. From black to aquamarine blue. Her hair had changed from white to light blue. Her elf ears perked up to what was happening around her.

   Even though the crowd was yelling, shouting and berating her very existence she didn't listen to them. She felt a calmness in her walk and a purpose in what she had to do.

She stared at them and with a wave of her hands she quieted the crowd to a low murmur. And then she looked up at the ceiling. What she saw wasn't the lights or the several chewing gum wads that had been tossed up there, but the open sky.

The illuminating sky opened up with a deep downpour of rain. She was back in the open valley. The crackle at the treetops made some of the animals scurry about.

   For the first time she wasn't afraid. She realized this wasn't scary or strange. This was who she was. It used to rain on quiet nights in the Castle, when she was six or seven, her stepmother would grab brothers and sisters and they would all take cover in her stepmother's grand bedroom. It was wondrously huge, because it housed a bed, bathroom, dressers and someone to take their snack orders all night.

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