The Confrontation Part 2

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890 A.E. (After Dark Elven Rule)

Timone Sayers

The rain came down like a torrent in droves. The lightning streaked across the night sky as most of the unlit streets were abandoned. Puddles were forming in and off the streets as the rain splashed citizens as tried to escape the onslaught that was coming. In the neighborhoods that weren't abandoned, several citizens came out to assess the damage from the elven/orc squads bombarding them and their homes. Dead and bloodied citizenry lay next to broken down carts and trolleys that lay motionless for days. Several residents fled their houses as a small troop of elven orc hybrids marched past them in the streets.

They were looking for any citizens that hadn't evacuated. And any soldiers that were still fighting against their leader Firash and his army. Several of the King's men had retreated into the tunnels in Ashview. But many were left on the streets, lying there, some dead and others badly injured. They were the lucky ones. Those who hadn't escaped were taken prisoner and were held captive by the Dark Elven orc army in the depths of Wallerby Castle. Timone stared at the bodies while regrouping with his squad. He carefully wiped the dirt off his boots and took his sword out of its holster in the middle of the King's defense of the battle against the elven/orc squads. It had dirt and blood on it and looked well worn. He scraped it on a piece of rubble in the street and stepped away.

One soldier in the group looked onward towards the fleet of Firash's soldiers that stood in between them and the Castle in the distance. And he shook his head. He saw that they were outnumbered. But not outmatched. He glanced back at Tim and Tim knew that those walls were going to be a challenge.

He couldn't believe it had gotten this far. Lord Firash's men had pushed King Leonidas' army to its hilt at certain spots. But Timone knew Firash had pressured his orc squad to lay waste to the small village of Hiram. That village housed some close friends of his. And that was personal to him. But in Ishenora, they had made some inroads at getting into the suburbs and the outskirts. Timone felt the pains of its citizens caught in the conflict. He uttered to his fellow men, "We will not rest until those whose families lived here, return to them in a free city!" His fellow men cheered in agreement.

He didn't understand how his friend's mystical powers helped when he first encountered her. But now, looking at those scared motionless sitting in the streets next to the lights, he began to understand. And he had to help. He mounted his horse along with the others. They gathered together in a line, ten by ten. The orc soldiers on their horses, in their lines stood defiant to them in front of the Castle walls several feet ahead the wide moat. The moat went almost all around the castle, not that the army would've noticed it in the burgeoning darkness. Some say there were mysterious creatures deep down in the moat, but that was yet to be verified. It was an intimidating presence for sure. The wall of the Castle stood high and imposing. Higher than any fortress than he had ever encountered.

The walls were supposedly made of a substance called Obsidaia X, the hardest and toughest rock that had ever come from the Earth. They were layered brick by brick by the stone masons, and construction workers back before the Kingdom was in its infancy. And in the years following had been hardened and protected by the Elven Gods and Goddesses power. But since the war, many figured that those shields would be off. As did Tim and his crew thought. And that's what sparked their resistance now. They needed the proper climbing tools to scale it especially since the clouds had opened up.

Acacius Howell among others grabbed his climbing shoes and put them on. He knew the task at hand. His hook and rope were in a bag in the back of him. He looked at Tim and nodded. They tapped their horses and galloped towards all of them. Both sides waiting for the signals to release. The storm of tension and frustration gathering, swirling in the air. Tim nodded at Acacius and looked up in the distance and saw a light flickering in the castle's tower. Tim knew that their enemy was watching them from within the tower. " Are you ready for this, Acacius? We only get one chance at this. The dungeons wait for no one. We have to get those people out, no matter what soldier. No matter what."

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