I've Never Been Fucked So Good

Start from the beginning

She giggles, twirling a lock of hair around one finger. "I'm happy to see you too, Sterling."

I wrap an arm around her shoulders before lifting her hand to fawn over her turquoise ring. "Pretty jewelry piece for a pretty lady," I gush.

A rosy blush colors her cheeks and she thanks me while Jackson silently fumes at me from across the table.

It's quite possible that I'm a terrible person for stealing her away from him, but he is just as crummy for giving me oral and then proceeding to announce that he would be accompanying her on a date.

I know I am fighting fire with fire but that doesn't necessarily mean that one of us will get burned. Sometimes, all that happens is that the flames just progress into a stronger, hotter blaze. Which in this case, is exactly what I want.

Jackson clears his throat, finally regaining his composure. He tosses the last morsel of his burger back into the cardboard basket that it came in. "Sterling, I think you should leave. I'm on a date with Kelsi and I would like to have my privacy with her."

I shrug casually. "Yea, sure. I'll get right out of your hair." But before I go, I snap my fingers. "Oh shoot, Kelsi. I just realized that you don't have my phone number. I was thinking about your offer from the other day and yes, I'm very interested."

With a smug smirk, I tear off a scrap of the paper that lines the basket and pull out my eyeliner from my purse. "Can you jot it down for me?" I ask, handing her the pen.

"Sure," she agrees, giddiness in her tone as she scrawls out her digits in bubble writing. She closes off the string of numbers with a heart, the shape acting as the stamp of mission accomplished.

It doesn't matter what she and Jackson do next. I know that I am the one that will linger on her mind while she shampoos her hair in the shower tonight. I'm the person whose call she will be eagerly anticipating. And I'm the one who she will choose without hesitation.


"What the hell was that?" Jackson shouts as he kicks the bedroom door closed behind him.

I blink at him. "What ever do you mean?" I inquire coyly.

He wags his finger at me. "Don't play dumb, Sterling. You know exactly what I'm referring to."

I roll my eyes as I sit up in bed, tossing aside the nature magazine that I had been skimming through. "Oh, that. Come on, Jackson. I did you a favor. Do you really want to be second choice?"

"Why not?" He murmurs. "It's what you're settling for from me."

"Hey!" I yell. "That's a cheap shot!"

"I'm only stooping to your level. That was a dirty trick you pulled back there." He unbuttons his shirt; his chest slowly being revealed while his fingers work their way down. 

I arch a brow, biting my lip as I etch his naked torso into my memory. "Yea...sure...whatever you say," I reply, completely distracted.

He notices my lust fueled gaze and sighs. "Are you even listening?"

I wave him off. "Yea, totally. Something about dirty stoops or whatever. Those dang pigeons."

"Sterling!" He scolds. "Be serious. You owe me an apology."

That gets my attention, and my sights fly from his pecs onto his face. "Excuse me? I owe you an apology? What about me? Where's your remorse for using me at the lake for your own pleasure?"

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Where stories live. Discover now