The Fall Of Two Symbols {Ch 10}

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No one's pov

The league were watching TV when Izuku suddenly asked them to tune to the news, at first they were reluctant but still did it anyways.
On they tuned in, they saw Aizawa and nezu talking to the reporters.

On the news

Is it true you let bakugo get captured asked a reporter.

Yes but we're doing everything possible to find him replied aizawa.

Have you found the villains hideout yet asked another reporter.

As of now we haven't found where the villains are hiding but we shall continue to look for them replied nezu. Pro heroes like all might, endeavor and some other have been sent out to find them.

Back in the lov base

Shit they're coming we need to move izuku said as he went to grab his computer.

We're not going anywhere, the plan was meant to get all might here and it did shigaraki said.

Yeah calm down Izu-Kun we're in this together toga said holding izuku's hands.

According to the sensors I put around the areas, we have 5 minutes until the heroes approaches the base izuku said finally calm. We have to get everything ready in that short amount of time.

As the heroes were preparing to strike the lovs base, they had no idea that 5 UA students were hiding behind a fence in that same location and those students were about to meet their doom.

On the Heroes side

This is the plan, all might will go into the base with gran Torino, edge shot and kamui woods to capture and subdue the villains.
Meanwhile endeavor and some of the other heroes will stay our here in case a villain manages to escape Tsukauchi said as they all nodded and proceeded with the plan.

Back to the villains

The villains had gotten ready and were awaiting the heroes to confront them when suddenly they heard a voice and everyone immediately knew who it belonged to.

Your pizza has arrived All might said as he broke down the front entrance.
Why you don't seem so surprised.

We knew you were coming your buffed up bastard Tanjiro said as he scanned the other heroes.

In that case we have no need for this small talk All might said as kamui woods sent his branches to constrict them.

Tanjiro easily avoids it due to his years of experience but the other league members weren't so lucky.
Before the could use their quirk to escape the branches holding them.
gran Torino and edgeshot immediately shot to action and knocked them out leaving only tanjiro standing.

I don't think this seems fair heroes tanjiro said with a grin.

Give it up villain, your friends are down there's nothing you can do gran Torino said

In that case why don't I take one of you down before I get knocked out Tanjiro said.

The heroes were surprised and caught off guard as tanjiro used hinokami kagura to burn and kill edgeshot before he could turn thin. The heroes immediately regained their composure and stopped tanjiro but not before he sliced off kamui woods arms leaving him to cry in pain.

I wonder if your arms grow back like a tree said tanjiro licking the blood that spilled on his face.

You monster I'll ki--- *gasp* before kamui woods could finish his sentence he was caught off by the lov disappearing in a black goo.

The heroes heard a deep laugh outside and turned to see a man in a black suit with what looks to be an Industrial mask on his face, All might and gran Torino immediately recognized him as Their anger boiled.

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