The choice is yours {Ch 1}

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A/n The story might not be good at first but I'll improve. Tanjiro doesn't turn into demon tanjiro.

Tanjiro pov

'we had finally defeated muzan in the fight, I watched as his body crumbled to dust but before he vanished he shot his tendrils at me I couldn't move and it stabbed me'.

'I noticed his blood started flowing through my body but he vanished before he could add more, I thought I was safe but my body gave up on me blood started pooling from my open wounds'.

'I realized what was happening, I was going to die. I closed my eyes and accepted it, at least muzan was defeated'.

Deity's pov

'It seems he has awakened'.

Tanjiro: ( I open my eyes only to close it due to a bright flash of light I quickly adjust to it and open my eyes).

'Welcome Tanjiro to the afterlife, I am here to present you an offer which you may accept or move on to heaven'.

Tanjiro: *blinks his eyes*
"Am not quite sure I understand what you're saying but what offer could I want than to see my family in heaven especially after defeating muzan".

'I offer you the choice to be reborn in a world where demons do not exist there are both villains and hero's'.

Time skip after the Deity explains the world to tanjiro

Tanjiro: "I accept your offer, I cannot simply stay idle while people continue to suffer from evil.

'I knew you would accept young Kamado, now there is something you should have'.


A/n I always wanted to make a cliff hanger did I do good.
Also comment if tanjiro should get ofa or just use his breathing technique

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