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A/n if u got any idea for what Tanjiro villain name should be let me know or I'll just the one I have in my mind.

Tanjiro pov

( Since I had declared being a villain I haven't really done anything, I decided that if I want to be feared I would have to do something big )

Tanjiro can be seen on the second floor of an abandoned building scouting the heroes in the area.

' Tch the heroes aren't high ranking it wouldn't cause too much panic and fear but what if I took down everyone in that police station. Yes, that's sure to attract the media. '

Timeskip 10 minutes

( I was making my way to the station jumping from roof to roof when an hero spotted me )

Hero: " Hey kid where're you heading too and what with all the secrecy "

* In a sing song voice *
' I'm going to pay an old friend a visit '
* Points towards the station *

Hero: " ok kid just don't cause problems for anyone there "

' sure thing Mr hero '

Timeskip to when tanjiro arrives at the station

A random police officer walks up to Tanjiro telling him he can't be here and shit like that, Tanjiro then proceeds to slash the police officer across his neck. This immediately got the attention of the other police officers.

Tanjiro pov

( After I had slashed the other police officer neck the others were immediately on guard, I couldn't help but smile )

Police 2: " you are under arrest for the murder of a police officer "

( Before he could say more, I cut him off )
* I cut off his head in an instant while still laughing *

Commander: " Take him down now forget capturing, this is an order to kill. "

* I smirked then proceeded to dash towards the officers Infront of me as I slash their neck open, I then notice a bit of blood on my cheek and see an officer holding a gun towards me *

Commander: " Everyone open fire don't hesitate to shoot. "

* I proceeded to skillfully dodge all their bullets and slash at them quickly advancing to the commander *

Commander: * on the phone *
" This is an emergency we need the heroes now, a villain with a fox mask has broken into the station and is slaughtering everyone. "

' Guess I gotta take this seriously, so I can welcome the heroes '
* I activated total concentration breathing and used clear blue sky to successfully decapitate every officer in front of me. After which I used burning bones summer sun to take out the remaining officers leaving only the commander *

Officer: "my men, you killed them all. You do know what this means right. "

' I have no idea, please do enlighten me '

Officer: " you have just made an enemy of the entire police force in the country, you are no longer safe. "

' This is exactly what I wanted, to be the main attraction. My plan is finally in motion. '

Commander: ' you will never get away with this, mark my words. Ahhh!!!
* Screams in pain *

' you were getting pretty annoying so I decided to shut you up. I have decided to keep you alive to see the downfall of this hero society '

Commander: '' it's not like I have a say in the matter. ''

' Nope, sorry but I'll be taking my leave now. '

Outside the station

We can see about 5 swat vans with about 10 heroes gathered outside waiting for tanjiro, immediately tanjiro us spotted they start firing at him while the heroes went to intercept him.

Tanjiro pov

( With my sharp nose I could tell there were multiple people outside waiting for me, so once I got there I immediately dodged the barrage of bullet aimed at me but not without some cut and scratch here and there )

Heroes:' Go,go,go don't let him get a second to counter. '

Reporter: ' Right now we are live outside the hosu police department where a large group of heroes and swat have been mobilized to capture one villain, just how powerful is this villain. '

( I see the reporters above me, guess I better use this opportunity to make a statement )
*The heroes proceeded to attack me and I used fake rainbow to throw them off while I appeared behind them and used to flash dance to cut off the heads of 5 heroes *

Hero 6: " 5 heroes are down everyone stay alert

* I looked at the swat *
' you guys are getting annoying so I'll take you out now '
* I blitz behind the swat team then proceed to use burning bones summer sun to wipe them all out *

Reporter: " The villain has just taken out 5 heroes and an entire swat team, just how powerful is he. "

' you have no hope left, your so called heroes are all dead. '

Reporter: * turns to face tanjiro *
" All the heroes have been killed, just who are you. "

' I am the man who shall bring the era of this fake heroes to an end, so be warned heroes for I am coming for you. '
* I then proceed to jump into the shadows and make my exit not knowing a particular villain group had taken interest in me. '

A/n so should I make tanjiro join the lov please comment
Btw tanjiro villain costume is like this just imagine he his wearing a fox mask

A/n so should I make tanjiro join the lov please commentBtw tanjiro villain costume is like this just imagine he his wearing a fox mask

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