Into a hero filled world {Ch 2}

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Tanjiro pov

'I had been given back my nichirin blade, the diety said he wanted me to have something that reminded me of my old life'.

Deity: " The Time has come for you
To go, make sure you do as I asked it will be in your best interest

Time skip to when tanjiro gets sent to the new world.


3rd pov

Tanjiro: ( I woke up to find out I was in an alley way, so I quickly scan my surroundings and see my katana I quickly grab it ).
"I guess I should go and find a hero, the diety did say this world was filled with heroes".
*Proceeds to walk towards the main road*
"The diety said I should probably try not to draw attention to myself so I won't"

???: ( I was scouting out the areas for crime when I saw a boy no less than 15 walking towards the main road and a truck coming at him so I quickly rush to save him ).
"Kid what were you doing on the main road you could have died"
*Glances at his hands*
( I then notice the sword he his holding )

Kid why are you carrying a sword with you around r u a vigilante, if you r then as the number 15 hero Mirko I will have to take you in for questioning".

Tanjiro: "Ehn Ehn ehnnnnnnnn"


A/n okay so I decided to make Mirko the no 15 hero and tanjiro is 15

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