Slayer meets the league {Ch 5}

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A/n The characters may have some personality change cause I can't exactly mimic their personality.

Tanjiro pov

* After I had killed all those heroes I decided to head back to base, on my way I noticed a presence behind me but when I turned back the presence was gone *.

Timeskip to Tanjiro at base

" That sure was interesting, I'm sure the heroes will be looking for me by now, but the thing bothering me is that presence. Why was it following me ".

*Turns on the TV*

On the news
' The mysterious villain who broke into the police station has been labeled a highly dangerous threat, He has been dubbed the fox demon. If you identify please report immediately and do not engage.

Back to Tanjiro

*Proceeds to laugh*
' Hahaha it seems I have gotten rather popular '.
* I look back at the screen to see the reporter still announcing something, I couldn't help but grin *.

Timeskip 2 weeks

" It has been 2 weeks since that day and I have managed to kill multiple heroes and sometimes the police, my popularity among the villains has risen. Sometimes I even team up with stain or spar with him.
I sense the presence but this time it doesn't disappear ".
' I know you're there just come out already am not that big a fan of hide and seek '.

???: * giggles *
' you have to admit hide and seek is really fun, The name's himiko toga nice to meet you. Foxy-kun '.

* In a calm voice *
' What do you want '.

Toga: ' Straight to the point, you're no fun but since you're friends with stain I'll let it slide '.

' I'm not surprised you know about me and stain '.

Toga: ' No need to get all worked up, I'm only here because the league of villains sent me to get you '.

' I see so you must be associated with shigaraki and All for one '.

Toga: ' yes, that's the league alright. Though I don't know about the other guy '.
*Gasp *
' is that big boss's name, it has to be right '.

" Shit I said too much, I gotta change the topic ".
' so how do we get to the league's base '.

Toga: ' ohh like this, hang on a second '.
* Brings out a button and presses it twice *
' Be careful on your way down '.

Narrator pov

After toga sends her coordinates to kurogiri he opens up a warp gate in front of them and they proceeded to jump in.

Tanjiro: ' intriguing, what a very useful quirk '.

???: Why thank you, my name is kurogiri and this here is Tomura.

Shigaraki: ' So this is the Infamous fox demon we've been hearing about, got to say I'm impressed with what you've done so far '.

Tanjiro: ' why thank you, though I haven't done much to capture the eye of the league of villains '.

Shigaraki: ' I see you've heard of us then you must know why you're here.

Tanjiro: ' I have a guess but please do tell if I am wrong. you want me to join the league because of my ability and popularity '

Shigaraki: ' correct mini boss, with your position and masters position in the underworld, People will have to take the league seriously. So will you join the league mini boss and help bring the downfall of the heroe society '.

Tanjiro: ' Before I answer your question I would like to meet the rest of the league's member, if there is someone I don't approve of it is either I take out said person or I leave '.

Shigaraki: ' sure thing mini boss, I can assure you I will keep my promise '.

Tanjiro: ' I do hope so '.

Tanjiro is then taken to meet the action vanguard squad of the lov where he interviews the members one by one for their reason of turning to villainy. When he gets to muscular and ask for his reason muscular tells him he just wants to test his power out on people, tanjiro gets outraged by this answer and proceeds to slash at muscular.
Muscular blocks the first slash and thinks to himself that he is stronger than tanjiro, tanjiro then proceeds to blitz muscular and cut off his head.

Shigaraki: ' You can see I kept my end of the deal so will you be keeping yours '.

Tanjiro: ' Well shigaraki, I think you got yourself a new member '.

???: ' uhmm excuse me, I think you forgot about me '.

Tanjiro: ' ohh, and who might you be '.

???: ' my name is izuku midoriya also known as the Green devil '.

Tanjiro: ' mmm I see, you must be the league's new addition. Well it's a pleasure to meet another member '.

Izuku: ' Nonono, the pleasure is all mine, I've been dying to meet you eversince I heard of your works '.

Tanjiro: ' if you don't mind me asking, why did you become a villain '.

Izuku: ' well it all started when I got my quirk '.

Flashback Izuku backstory

Inko: ' be quick izuku, we need to get to the quirk doctor on time '.

Izuku: ' coming mom, just gimme a sec '.

Timeskip quirk doctor office

Doctor: ' Good News izuku has a quirk

Inko: ' That's good to hear but why do you look so worried '.

Doctor: ' you see the thing is that his quirk is a Rather villainous one '.
* Proceeds to pull out a file *

Name: izuku midoriya

Quirk: Manipulation

Description: This allows him to control anyone he wishes to control, he can control their mind or body at will.

Timeskip to izuku home

Izuku: ' mom I can still be a hero right, I can still save people '.

Inko: ' shut the fuck up Izuku, now I understand why you're dad left. He left because of you, because you're a worthless failure '.
* Beats up Izuku *
' go to your room no dinner for you tonight '

Narrator pov

This continues for about 2 weeks, even when Izuku was in school the kids would do terrible things and say izuku manipulated them into doing it.
Izuku was slowly falling apart and just needed one more push to break.

All might: ' why are you up here young lad '.

Izuku: * explains his quirk to all might *
' Do you think I can still be a hero '.

All might: ' sorry kid but no one wants a hero with a villainous quirk, you're better off being a villain '.
* Proceeds to jump off the roof *

Izuku: ' I'm better off being a villain, even all might thinks I'm better off being a villain. I guess I should show them what a villain I can be '.

Flashback ends

Izuku: ' That was how I was found and taken in by shigaraki '.

Tanjiro: ' All might that prick, I'll make to crush you if it's the last thing I do '.

A/n finally a new chapter, hope you enjoy it I'll post another one later.

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