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A/n in this story Tanjiro is  years the same age as class 1-a.
Also quirk racism is a big thing in my version of bnha
Contains mild cursing I think

Tanjiro pov

( I was taken into this black metal box,I think they called it a car it was surprisingly comfortable )
' uhmm, where are you taking me to '
* I asked the hero *

Mirko: " I will be escorting you to the station and then thses guys will take it from there because I don't the time to waste on kids like you "

* I nodded *
( Okay that was a bit rude, I hope all heroes aren't like her )

Throughout the ride no one spoke a single word, the only noise coming from the radio and the blaring of horns and sounds of cars passing.
It was like this until they had arrived at the station.

Timeskip at the station

Police 1: ' move it kid we ain't got all day so better get your ass going '

( Me being the nice guy I am decides to ignore his tone but am getting a bit irritated )

Police 2: ' Damnit I can't believe I had to extend my shift because of a used kid '

Police 1: ' yeah me too, I heard from Mirko the kid got no quirk and still wants to be a hero '

Police 2: ' what a load of crap, I bet 100 bucks he doesn't even pass the entrance exam '

Police 1:' seriously, I bet 200 bucks he doesn't get accepted for being quirkless '

( They couldn't care less if said person was listening to them, I was already starting to doubt these people were good people )

Timeskip to Tanjiro interrogation

Tanjiro pov

Detective: " ok kid let's make this quick we all got places to be

* I nod *

Detective: " your name "

' Kamado tanjiro '

Detective: " it seems you don't appear in any records so far, what about your parents or siblings "

' They're all dead '
* I said sadly *

Detective: ' ok moving on why were you on the road with a katana you don't look much older than 15 '

Tanjiro: * shocked expression *
( He doesn't even try to console me instead he just moves on to the main subject )
' I was on my way to my training center but I was in a rush so I missed the truck coming towards me '

Detective: " so it was pretty much your fault, you're lucky a hero wasted their helping a quirkless brat like you"

' sorry sir '
* I bow *
( This detective is really getting on my nerves and what do you mean a hero. All I see is a woman in a bunny costume obsessed with getting stronger )

Detective: we don't have the time or resources to waste on the likes of yourself so we'll be letting you off with a warning, don't go causing trouble for others.

' Thank you sir '

Timeskip outside the station

' Goddamnit I felt like beating up that detective bastard, how dare he say jack shit like he knew anything about me '
* Proceeds to kick a trash can *
( No I never felt this way, why do I suddenly feel like this.
It was at this moment I remembered what the diety said to me )

Flashback to what the diety said to Tanjiro

Deity: ' Tanjiro before you go to this world there is something I must tell you '

' what is it '

Deity: ' you see tanjiro in this world the quirkless are treated like miserable being so I beg you never tell anyone you are quirkless '

' I can handle a little rudeness from them and don't worry I can defend myself pretty well '

Deity: ' am not worried about you tanjiro am worried about them, you see the small quantity of muzan blood had a negative effect on your mind. It makes you more prone to anger, once it reaches 100%  there will be nothing to stop you from taking out your anger at the source.

' what do you mean '

Deity: 'what I mean is that when it hits 100% there's no going back tanjiro you will vent out your upon the source that made it reach that level.

' Don't worry I'll make sure nothing of that sort happens '
* Flashes a genuine smile *

Deity: ( Am sorry tanjiro but it's what you're destined to be, you can never change destiny )

  Back to the present

' This isn't a world where heroes help people all I see is a world where people with some shitty ability are put on pedestals and glorified in the name of justice '
* In a booming voice *

A/n thanks for all the reads so far, am really grateful please continue to read follow vote and recommend till next time.

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