007: John Danny Shelby

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Chelsea knocked her first against Ada's door, gently.

She had rehearsed this conversation over and over again in her head on the way, but now that she was stood at the door, she had no idea what she was going to say.

She didn't even know if she were going to tell Ada. She just needed someone she could speak to without being judged or shamed, and that was Ada.

"Chelsea!" Karl, Ada's son and Chelsea's cousin shouted, opening the door.

"Hey, little man." Chelsea smirked, walking in and, kissing Karl on the cheek, "How are you doing?"

"I'm great." Karl smirked, "And you?"

Chelsea chuckled, "I'm fine. God, you're growing up."

"He is, isn't he?" Ada said, leaning on the door frame down the hall.

Chelsea relaxed when she saw Ada standing there, hearing her voice.

Ada laughed, "Go on, Karl. Go upstairs. Me and Chelsea need a catch up."

Once Karl had gotten upstairs, Chelsea walked into Ada's sitting room and sat down on the sofa.

"Your dad rang." Ada said, handing Chelsea a cup of tea before sitting on the sofa opposite her, "He said he was worried and that you've been acting differently."

"He's not wrong." Chelsea muttered, staring down at the tea in her hands.

"What is it, Chelsea?" Ada asked, leaning her elbows on her knees and leaning forward, "You can tell me."

Chelsea sighed and closed her eyes, "I'm-I'm-oh, fuck it-I'm pregnant."

Chelsea heard Ada gasp and kept her eyes shut. She didn't want to see Ada's face, saying it out loud had made the whole thing come true, proving to Chelsea that it wasn't just some dream, it was the truth.

"Are you keeping it?" Ada asked after a few minutes of silence.

Chelsea opened her eyes and looked at Ada, "I-I don't know."

Ada stood up and walked over to Chelsea, sitting beside her, "No one is going to force you to have- or get rid- of this baby. You do what you feel's right, Princess."

Chelsea looked across at Ada, "I'm scared."

"It's a scary thing, especially the first time, but you'll get through it-"

"Not because of that." Chelsea said, shaking her head, "I'm scared that-that I'll turn out to be like my mother. What if I'm not good at it? What if I can't give my child the love it needs?"

"Chelsea, you are not your mom." Ada said, sternly, "You are not your father. You are your own person. I know you, Chelsea, and I am one-hundred percent sure that you will love this baby more than you've ever loved anything in the world."

"How can you be so sure?" Chelsea asked, feeling her tears burn in her eyes, thoughts of how her mother treated her swirled in her memory.

"Like I said-I know you." said Ada, offering Chelsea a smile, "I remember how you were with Karl when he was just a baby, how you treat Charles and Ruby. You look after everyone in this family even though it isn't your job. If you decide to have this baby, you will understand why your father does everything that he does for you because you will do it for your child."

"I want to keep it." said Chelsea, "But, what if Isaiah doesn't? What if he leaves and I'm left to raise my child on my own? What if I can't cope and my child ends up hating me for giving it a bad childhood?"

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