015: Choose

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Everyone had been off with Chelsea, no one knew exactly how to act around her, whenever she walked past they would all take a step back but keep a close eye on her, as if she would break.

Arthur was too make eye contact with her and whenever Chelsea turned around, she saw him quickly look away and pretend to be doing something.

It proved that they all cared, but it also proved they thought she was weak. Chelsea was angry with herself because every time she tried to prove them wrong, and try and get slightly close to any man, she would panic and run to Polly or Tommy.

Even when she was eating her breakfast, they would give her the cereal bowl but leave it a few centimetres away from her and gently push it towards her.

"I'm going to the Garrison." said Chelsea, walking into the kitchen and seeing Arthur bury his heads into the cupboard, "I haven't saw Grace in a while. See you, Arthur."

"Oh-well- shouldn't we ask Tommy first?" said Arthur, trying to look past Chelsea's face and out the door, "I don't think he'd - ehm - want you out."

"He's not here and I'm safe with Grace, now I'll see you later."

With no more words, Chelsea pushed past Arthur who jumped back a mile and headed straight out the door.

On her way down to the Garrison, people outside also moved away from her but not because they knew what had happened to her, but purely because she was a Shelby.

Chelsea preferred this to the treatment she was getting in her home by her family. Even Tommy, who knew how it felt to be treated differently because of what happened to you, was also treading on egg shells around her.

After a clear pathway to the pub, Chelsea finally found the front doors and pushed herself inside.

"Ah, Chelsea." Grace said, being able to see Chelsea through the very small crowd, "How are you my darling?"

Chelsea relaxed as Grace wrapped her arms around the girl, Chelsea had never felt more safer than what she did right now.

Grace seemed to have notice the way Chelsea's shoulders relaxed so drastically, "Darling? Has anything been on your mind?"

Chelsea shook her head but still kept herself buried into the woman's hug, wanting to stay forever in her embrace.

"Is it because of what happened with the Lees?" whispered Grace, "Tommy told me what happened, he said you managed to hide?"

Chelsea looked up at Grace, the images replaying bakc in her head as her lips started to quiver.

"Hey, come in here." said Grace, guiding Chelsea into the snug.

She sat her down on the booth and closed the door before taking a seat down next to the girl.

"Tell me." said Grace sadly.

"I think you already know." Chelsea said, tears forming and dripping down the side of her cheek.

It took Grace a few moments to understand, but when she did, her face turned a horrible shade of white, her hands whipped up to her face as she covered her mouth in shock, "No." she whispered.

"I tried to get him to stop." said Chelsea, her small and fragile voice cracking, "I tried but he wouldn't listen. He said it was revenge on my family."

Grace pulled Chelsea in and hugged her desperately, "It's okay, my love. Nothing like that will ever hurt you again. No one will hurt you as long as I am here."

Chelsea couldn't help it, she clung onto Grace and cried into her shoulder, gripping her hands as if someone were about to pull her away.

Grace whispered soothing words and stroked Chelsea's hair but her words were muffled by her own free-falling tears.

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