003: Bomb

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Chelsea jumped, the feeling off a man's arms round her waist sent her into panic. She pushed herself away, plunged her arm into a drawer and pulled out her gun, turning around and aiming it at the man's head.

Isaiah stayed asleep, his arms still in the same position that they were when he was holding Chelsea.

Chelsea set the gun down and took a seat on the bed, wiping her hands over her face, wishing that she just get over this already.

Instead of sitting there and feeling sorry for herself, Chelsea forced herself to get ready, putting on one of her favourite dresses and adding the slightest bit of makeup.

Seeing Isaiah still in bed, she headed downstairs so she wouldn't disturb him and walked into her father's office.

"Morning." she sighed.

"How have you been?" Tommy asked, sat at his desk, watching as Chelsea sat opposite him.

"Better." Chelsea nodded.

"We tracked down your mother." Tommy began, "They tried to get some words out of her but from all we know, she had no idea about Wi-William coming up here."

"She must've told him." Chelsea said, "He's too stupid to figure out where we live on his own, she knew the address. She's fucking lying."

"I know that." Tommy nodded, "But I've got to be more careful these days, I can't just go down there and kill her. If we're smart about this, we can get her locked up."

Chelsea nodded.

Tommy stood up and turned his back to her, staring out the mirror, "That man changed your mother. She used to be the most gentle woman on the planet."

"I think it was me that changed her." Chelsea said, biting at her nails, "She never wanted me, she was never ready to be a mother."

Tommy turned around and shook his head, "When are you going to stop blaming yourself for things that you can't control?"

"When they stop being my fault."

Tommy didn't say anything else, he turned around and stared at the window. Chelsea jumped up when he took a step back, "What is it?"

"Get your gun." Tommy said, pulling out his own gun, "Look."

Chelsea walked beside him and stared at the window. Just across from them in the field at the bottom of their front garden, directly in the middle of the mud, stood a cross with a scarecrow nailed to the middle.

"What the fuck?" Chelsea whispered.

"Stay in here." Tommy said, beginning to descend from the room.

"Shut up." Chelsea groaned, pulling out her gun and following after her dad, "I'm twenty-one, you can't tell me what to do."

Tommy and Chelsea walked side-by-side out of the house and down the gardens, making their way to the field.

Tommy opened the gate and walked in first, holding it open behind him until Chelsea was back by his side.

Looking around, Chelsea continued to walk up to the cross, confused as whether or not it was a real person nailed to it.

When they got close enough, as close to touch it, Chelsea saw that someone had dressed it in men's clothing.

Beside the scarecrows arm, also nailed to the wood, was a letter addressed to Tommy Shelby OBE.

Tommy reached up and pulled it from the cross, unfolding it and seeing a note.

He read it aloud, "Look down on Earth and see the seeds you have sown."

"The fuck does that mean?" Chelsea whispered, looking around.

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