004: Black cat

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Chelsea climbed out of the car and began to walk down the road, Isaiah walking directly behind her, looking around for any threats or harms towards her, symbolising a body guard.

A few years ago, Chelsea would've hated it, begged him to leave her alone and that she was safe by herself. But, with what happened after she thought her Uncle died, she never wanted Isaiah to leave her side.

She had come to the conclusion that every time Isaiah was there, nothing happened to her, and every time she was there, nothing happened to Isaiah.

"You can walk next to me, Sai." Chelsea grinned, looking over her shoulder and seeing his intimidating look, "You haven't got to be right behind me."

"Don't trust any fuckers in this city." Isaiah said, smiling at Chelsea for a split second before returning to his intimidating look and his hand resting on his outer pocket where his gun sat, "Don't worry, Chels. I'm right here, baby."

Baby. Isaiah had never called Chelsea her usual nickname, 'Princess', he said it was reserved for family and he much rather preferred the term 'Chels' or 'baby'. It felt much more intimate, and Chelsea had gathered a nickname for him over the years, 'Sai'.

"I know." She said before she looked back in front of her and continued her confident walk.

The Snow Hill train station came into sight and Chelsea felt an odd feeling in her stomach. She was about to see Micheal for the first time in four years. After that phone call, she didn't know if she could trust him or not.

"I DID BETRAY MY FUCKING FAMILY!" The sound of Micheal's voice stopped Chelsea in her tracks.

"Chelsea," Isaiah breathed, his hand resting on Chelsea's lower back, "we can turn around. You don't have to talk to him, okay? We'll go home, deal with him another day."

"No." Chelsea whispered, "I haven't seen him in four years, he's still my family and I. . . I-I trust him."

"You say the word, and I'll kick him to the curb." Isaiah said.

Chelsea began to walk again, the feeling of Isaiah's hand on her back kept her calm, slowing down the raging thoughts of betrayal in her mind.

Chelsea round the corner and saw Polly and Arthur stood together, Micheal stood away from them with a sour look on his face and a slim, tall blonde woman latched onto his arm.

Chelsea reached the car closest to Micheal and stopped. Looking at the boy she used to class as her brother who was now being accused of betraying her father.

Micheal turned to look at her and the sour expression of his face melted away, his jaw unclenching and his whole body relaxed, "Chelsea."

Micheal walked up to Chelsea, the woman still stuck to his arm whilst he let out a small smile.

"I missed you." he whispered, Chelsea fought the urge to not cry, scream or hit him.

"Before you say another word," Chelsea said, feeling Isaiah's body press up her back and his hand grip against her waist, "did you do it? Tell me the truth."

"I didn't betray anyone." Micheal said, the sweet smile still on his lips, "I would never do that."

By the look on Micheal's face, Chelsea trusted him. She wasn't fully sure, but she remembered the conversation they had in her room a few years ago.

"Trust me? Would I lie to you?"

"I don't know." Chelsea shrugged.

"Do you trust me?"

"I guess."

"Chelsea, since the first day I met you I knew we'd be friends. Ever since then, I've felt this responsibility to look after you like your older brother. Finn may say that he does it too but he's more like your best friend, you both make stupid decisions and then face the consequences together. But I've looked out for you since I can remember. Do you really think I'd let something happen to you?"

𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon