017: Thomas

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Chelsea found herself standing inside Polly's house, outside the door in the basement where Ada sat inside, isolating herself from her whole family, the baby also isolated.

Chelsea knocked on the door, a basket of fruit and food and some essentials for the baby, "Ada, it's me, it's Chelsea."

Ada didn't respond, the only thing Chelsea could hear was the baby crying.

"Ada, no one knows i'm here." Chelsea said sadly, "You've never hid from me. I don't care if you're hiding from them. . .you can't hide from me."

Chelsea stared at the door for a few more moments, and still no response. Accepting that Ada wasn't going to answer, Chelsea placed the basket beside the door and turned to walk up the stairs.

The door suddenly unlocked and Ada ran out, and pulled Chelsea in for a hug, crying into Chelsea's hair.

"Oh, Chelsea." Ada whispered.

Chelsea walked Ada back inside and sat her down on a chair in the corner of the small room. She walked over to Ada's baby who lay on a small bed.

"He's beautiful." Chelsea whispered, picking the baby up in her arms, "Beautiful. Just like his mother."

"Why'd you come?" Ada asked, her voice sounded angry but Chelsea knew she wasn't angry at her, she was just angry.

"Because you're my Aunt, the closest thing I have to a sister." said Chelsea, "I love you, Ada. And i'll always be there for you."

"Has Tommy said anything?"

"No." Chelsea shook her head, "He thinks I'm with Grace. At the moment, she feels more of my parent than Tommy does."

"What is going on with you and your dad?" asked Ada, "I know me and him aren't exactly speaking right now, but I know somethings wrong with you two."

"He's not who I made him out to be." said Chelsea, "Him snitching on Freddie to the coppers confirmed it all. I think it's time I head back home to my mother and father."

"Father?" Ada repeated, "But, Tommy is your father."

"No." said Chelsea, "Williams my father. He raised me and he l-loves me. Tommy doesn't."

"You don't actually believe that, do you?" said Ada.

"It's true, Ada." said Chelsea sternly, "Now don't try and change my mind. I haven't come here to speak about me, I came here to check you're okay. You haven't spoken to anyone in days, the only reason we know you're okay is because when we come hear we can hear you locking the door and hear your baby crying."

"I don't want to talk to him." Ada said, standing up and taking her baby, "He's left my son without a father. He's left me without a husband. I will not leave this room until he apologises."

"I've got you everything you need in that basket." said Chelsea, pointing to the basket that now sat outside the door, "I'll be back tomorrow to bring you some more. But, Ada, you can't hide forever."

"You're growing up." said Ada, "I guess it's all you've saw, but you're changing. You've got your own opinions, you're making your own decisions and you're getting stronger. I hope my son turns out to be like you."

"Well, wouldn't he be so lucky?" Chelsea laughed.

She hugged Ada once more and kissed her goodbye, also kissing the baby lightly on his forehead before she went..

Chelsea walked back over to her house, feeling guilty for Ada's situation and an overwhelming anger toward her father for allowing it to happen.

When she opened the door, she found everyone in her family in the kitchen except for Tommy and Ada, of course.

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