"Felix?" Your eyes met his.

A smile filled his face, but you could tell it was forced. You stepped back another step. The two of you stared at each other before Felix broke the silence again. "How have you been?"

"Not the greatest. How have you been?" You scanned his face wondering if he'd lie or tell you the truth.

"I've been pretty good actually. The guys and I are getting ready for a world tour soon. In a few more weeks, we'll be traveling to different countries. Our album came out tw-"

"Two months ago," you finished for him.

"You listened to it?"

"Of course. I always liked your music and I wanted to support the guys. Actually, I happened to get your photo card."


You nodded your head and swallowed the lump in your throat. "Are you doing anything right now?"

He shook his head.

"Can we talk outside for a few minutes?"

"Sure. Do you want to get a coffee first or something? I'll pay for it."

You shook your head and headed back towards the entrance door. Even after you left him and ghosted him, he was still as charming as ever; just more salt added to your wound.

Once you were outside, you walked over to the side of the building and away from the door. Your arms crossed over your chest and you shifted your body. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you. It wasn't right and I shouldn't have done it."

"I'm sorry too. It was a rough day for both of us. I shouldn't have gotten so angry about it. We fought over the dumbest things."


Another awkward silence filled the air. There wasn't much to say this time. What were you supposed to say to the person you went three months without contact with? You moved your weight to your opposite foot.

"Can we try again?" Your voice came out in a whisper. Your eyes met his and you felt yourself swoon again. You'd fallen face first into those toffee eyes and you felt yourself doing it all over again.

"Try again?"

You nodded hoping that he'd agree. Your hands found each other and you began nervously twiddling your fingers. Unconsciously, you bit down into your bottom lip.

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"What?" The disappointment in your voice was obvious. "Why not?"

"I've already moved on."

"Moved on?"

"You'll always be someone I loved. I still care about you, you know? However, I've been talking to someone recently and th-"

You couldn't stop the stinging sensation of tears filling your eyes. You sucked in a sharp breath and bit down into your lip harder hoping the pain would ease the glassy sheen in your eyes. Felix turned blurry in front of you.

"Listen, you're a good person, but we had something and now it's over. We owe it to each other to find someone better. We learned a hard life lesson and now it's time to part ways. What if we fall back into the same old habits?"

"How can I be a good person if you won't even accept me for the way I am and take me back? Why am I not good enough for you anymore? Can't you just love me the way I am? I'll do better this time, I swear."

"That's not what I meant." Felix reached forward and hooked his thumbs beneath the bottom of your eyes. He swiped his thumbs and brushed away your tears. "You're going to find someone who appreciates and loves all of you for the way you are."

"That someone is you!" Your wobbly voice raised.

"That someone used to be me, but it's not anymore. I reflected a lot on our relationship and realized I had flaws. I've been trying to better myself, so the same mistakes don't get made again."

"Felix, please..."

"I'm sorry," he gently cupped your cheeks between your hands. "We can be friends, if you want to." He wiped away more of your tears. "I don't think we work as lovers in this life."

His words were a slap across your face. It became harder to breathe. Silent tears slipped down your cheeks. Felix quickly wiped your cheeks again. "I'm so sorry, really I am."

A loud guttural sob left your mouth. Felix's face fell at your reaction. He rushed forward and tugged you into his arms. His arms went behind your back and he soothingly rubbed your back while cooing and insisting that it'd be okay.

For the first and last time in three months, you let yourself be comforted by your ex and accepted defeat.

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