Chapter 70: Shy Male Bonding Moments

Start from the beginning


-Monday, February 19, 2024~12:28PM-

~Takashi's POV~

I was getting food at the buffet table and I noticed JC dropped her food, Joon being beside her when she did this.

"Damn it." JC muttered, looking for a napkin.

"I'll clean it up." Joon said. "Just get some more food to eat."

JC grinned wide. "Thank you oppa."

Joon just nodded and bent down, picking up JC's dropped plate. I smiled at the whole situation before grabbing a couple napkins and helping Joon to clean up JC's mess.

"That was awfully nice of you." I told him.

Joon just blushed from embarrassment. "You saw that, huh?"

"I did." I told him. "Why hide your caring nature?"

"I don't." He shook his head. "I'm just surprised when people notice it because most don't."

I gave him a smile. "I notice."

He smiled back before realizing what was happening. "Wait, why are you helping? It's your birthday, you shouldn't have to clean up any messes."

I snickered. "You didn't have to clean up JC's but you offered anyway."

Joon froze and looked at me, knowing I caught him off guard. "Tousche."

I grinned and we finished cleaning up the mess.

"Thank you." He said as we threw the dirty napkins away.

"No need to thank me." I shook my head.

"Seriously though, why did you help?" Joon started to question.

I shrugged, not really knowing the reason myself. "I don't know. I guess I was just so touched by how you treated JC, I wanted to help so you didn't have to do it alone."

Joon scoffed. "It was just a little mess."

I shrugged again and looked down, starting to feel embarrassed by helping him. "I'm sorry that it bothered you."

Joon was silent for a long second before sighing. "I...I didn't mean to make you think that way. I just didn't like that you took care of me on your birthday."

I looked up at him, a small smiling crossing my face. "I was happy to do it."

"I know you were." Joon's smile was small too. "Now come on, let's go eat."

I nodded and we got our food and found a place to sit. I forgot how much I enjoyed hanging out with Joon. Despite our shy personalities, we felt so comfortable with one another and could always find something new to talk about. I hoped I could keep hanging out with him more, and continue to remember how much I enjoy doing so.


-Thursday, February 22, 2024~3:45PM-

~Jaehyun's POV~

I was sitting with Sungmin as we waited for M Countdown to start. I kept watching our other members in whatever they were doing as entertainment. I saw Hanwoo and Changbin practice a dance and discuss something before propping their phone up. I immediately knew they were preparing to film a TikTok. I grew a sense of wishing to do the same and sighed loudly, placing my head on Sungmin's shoulder. He didn't get the hint and I did it again, this time louder and more dramatic.

"Spit it out, Jaehyun." He said, not even looking at me.

"I want to film a TikTok." I told him.

"So do it."

"But I want somebody else in it."

"So go join Changbin and Hanwoo."

At this point my head was lifted off his shoulder and I looked down, twiddling my fingers. "What if they don't want me in their's?"

"So wait until they are done and film another one with them." Sungmin said.

I just stayed quiet, not sure how to respond. Sungmin sighed then stood up, grabbing my hand to pull me up with him, and dragging me over to Changbin and Hanwoo who had yet to start filming.

"Hey, Jaehyun wants to film a TikTok with you guys." Sungmin said. "Mind if you guys make another one with him afterwards."

"Sure." Changbin nodded.

"Want to be in this one too?" Hanwoo asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't want to disturb your current one."

"Nonsense." Changbin said. "A third person would make it better anyway."

I smiled wide. "Then sure, I'd love to be in it."

"Cool, here's what we have planned so far." Hanwoo said. "Feel free to chime in some ideas."

I nodded and looked at Sungmin. I mouthed a thank you to him and he just winked in response before turning on his heels and going back to what he was doing. I joined in with Changbin and Hanwoo's TikTok. I was even able to chip in my own ideas and not feel shy about it because Hanwoo and Changbin didn't make me feel that way. Sungmin helped me realize all of RC have been in my position before so they understand what it's like to be the 'new guy' and scared of fitting in so they've helped me not feel that way. I was truly thankful to Sungmin as well as my RC members who made me feel welcomed.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! Just a cute little bonding moments chapter lol. Next chapter will be the last of their promotions I think so look forward to that I guess lmao anyway! Hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

P.S unedited.

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