chapter 15

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I awoke the next morning to someone gently pushing on my shoulder.

Miss your needed at the desk I heard stacy say still in a sleepy haze, I let out a yawn and stretched, what time is it I said sitting up in my bed.

It's a little past 6 am miss stacy said as she climbed back onto her bunk across the room.

What the fuck, I said mumbling and slipped outta bed wearing only a pink t shirt and matching victoria secret boyshort panties and walked over to the door poking my head out.

I saw miss brown standing at the desk and she waved me down.

Be right there miss brown I said going back and quickly putting on the state issue sweat suit that was made especially for me from Nike brand clothing.

After pulling on my pink and black Jordan's I quickly came down the stairs after shutting my door and walked over to the desk.

Yes ms brown I said placing my arm on the desk as if having a casual conversation.

Your wanted at the wardens office was all she said and signaled for the tower to open the unit door.

I quickly walked over and out the door as it closed behind me and walked along the big oval track in the middle of the huge field that lead to the main front offices.

When I reached the door to the main building I waved to the guard and he nodded his head to me and seconds later the door popped and I pulled it open walking through.

Manuvering my way down several more hallways I came to the wardens office and before entering I took a deep breath and walked in, when I entered the office I saw it was empty as usual but a black leather collar with a gold heat sat at the front of the desk and a big red pillow beside the wardens chair.

I took the hint and walked over looking at the collar with the charm that had an ensciption on it that said PET.

Taking the hint I placed the collar around my neck which fit nicely and was comfortable, afterward I stripped down naked leaving only my Jordan's on placing my clothes neatly folded In a chair  and walked over and kneeled down on the plush red pillow my head bowed and waited.

Several minuets later the door opened and the warden walked through I didn't move or raise my head but wanted until I was instructed to move.

She crossed the room and sat in her chair beside me ignoring me as she pulled out her desk drawer.

I then heard her typing on what I assumed was her laptop and moments later she swirled in her chair to face me.

Ahhhh I see you understood the collar and the pillow she said softly, that's a good girl she said with a soft giggle.

Look at me pet the warden said in an almost hushed tone.

I lifted my eyes to see the warden dressed in a short black pleaded skirt with a white button up blouse everything up to her make up emaculant nothing out of place.

So I heard you had an very eventful day yesterday the warden said as she brought her hands together touching her finger tips to each other.

I remained silent waiting for permission to speak.

Apparently the new girl tyesha wound up with a very sore ass with some anal tearing and the letter P carved into her right butt cheek I belive it is.

I swallowed nervously unsure of what was gonna come next but trying to brace myself for anything.

The warden stared at me a slight smirk on her face, the warden was quiet for a moment the silence in the room was killing me as my mind ran through all the scenarios that might happen next.

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