Despite the people hating the government, they loathed the OFTL.

Three people, young, at around 15 years of age, looked on in wonder and apprehension at the large crows flowing through the streets of Trost.

"What's going on Armin? Why are they protesting?"

"W-well. I'm not too sure, you remember how, you know?"

Eren's face morphed into anger, getting his friend's unspoken message—the recent terror attack on Karanes District, the home of one of his friends, Mina Carolina. The latter was utterly shocked when the news leaked, but thankfully her family was safe from any harm.

"Oh, yeah, I remember..." the teen seethed. "Why the hell do they even exist!? What's the point of killing humans!? Titans are the main enemy, Armin, not humans! Why do we have to fight ourselves?! It's stupid!"

Eren couldn't comprehend why humans would fight other humans—why humans would kill other humans. He simply didn't have the capacity at the moment to understand those concepts.

Eren didn't understand that the world wasn't black and white. He also didn't grasp Armin's suspicions regarding his parents' death; he couldn't fathom how Armin suspected that the Military Police were responsible for their deaths.

"I don't know, Eren...I really don't..."

The teen sneered. "It's fuckin' pointless. All the resources we could spend fighting titans are being diverted to fighting those devils. I wish they'd all drop dead."

"Eren!" Armin interjected. "They may have their—"

"I don't give a shit! They kill humans, they're nothing better than the Titans. Let's go—the cannons won't clean themselves."

Armin looked at his friend with a complex expression before delving into his own thoughts on the matter.

He was curious about the demands of such a violent organization, one that seemingly had evaded all Military Police and authority for seemingly, from his knowledge, at least 2-3 years give or take.

Freedom of the press was clamped down upon by the Royal Government due to quote "Dangerous Articles", and thus finding the OFTL's demands proved challenging.

Articles that were said to be "Dangerous" were ones posted by Berg News about the Royal Government's killings of intellectuals and technological innovators. This press censorship brought into question the Royal Government's legitimacy, and effectively stated that, yes, they did kill the people on that list.

However, he was able to find them and was surprised at their thinking. It didn't seem like normal demands from terrorists, but a concise and rather intelligent piece of work.

Armin hated to admit it, but in the back of his head, if the OFTL hadn't killed so many people, he would've maybe joined them instead of the military. Fighting for change through peaceful means was one thing, murdering thousands was another.

He failed to notice an inconspicuous man within the crowd before running after his friends.

The young man wore casual clothes made from wool and cotton. It was much more comfortable than the clothing 5 years ago; it wasn't itchy at all.

"Prepare for crowd control; the attack will start soon."


The casual wind tousled my hair as I settled atop Wall Rose, engrossed in a book. Surprisingly, my fluency in German surpassed that of Japanese these days.

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