"I see," Muckpelt said with a hint of knowingness in her voice. 

"Is Pebblepaw okay?" I asked quickly. 

"We're all fine," Muckpelt said comfortingly. "The bad cat is gone."

She paused.

"Midnighteyes stopped him."

I froze.

"M-Midnighteyes?" I stuttered. "As in, my mother?

She nodded.

"How? When? Why?"

"That is a story for another time, little one," she soothed. "No need to worry now."

"But- but-"

"Shhh..." Muckpelt whispered. "Get some rest. There is no use in dwelling on it right now. You must learn how to get on with life in the present."

"I don't know how!" I snapped. "I've never been blind before, and neither have you!"

Muckpelt looked at me sadly. "One must learn to adapt."

I snorted. "Sure. Whatever."

She gave me a stern but sad look as she turned away.

And she melted into the shadows.


Time skip of two days (again)

I changed the moss of the apprentice den, my paws moving mindlessly. My mind was occupied on something else.

"Hey Smallpaw!" 

I heard Blizzardpaw's voice enter the den.

"Hey, can you help me with this?" I asked, nodding at the moss.

"Sure," Blizzardpaw replied.

I heard him start to work next to me.

"What's up?" Blizzardpaw asked as I felt him study my face.

"A lot," I shrugged, grabbing a patch of clean moss. "There's nothing I can focus on for too long because another thought pops in."

"Yeah, I guess," Blizzardpaw said. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Slimefoot is going to have Robinpelt's kits."


I stopped what I was doing, my sides heaving.

"Yeah, I know," Blizzardpaw sighed. "I wanna rip his throat out and feed it to the crows."

There was silence.

"Did you hear?" Smallpaw asked.

"Hear what?"

"I have some secrets you don't know about."

Blizzardpaw paused.

"Like what?"

"Like I can visit Starclan cats."

"Really?" Blizzardpaw inquired. I could feel his gaze boring into me.

"Yeah, I know. I wanna be a normal cat with a normal life in a normal clan."

Blizzardpaw continued his work, more slowly this time. "We all do. But we can't."

"I think Starclan has a destiny for us," I said thoughtfully. "I feel like something isn't right."

"This whole clan isn't right," Blizzardpaw snorted.

I finished putting the last scrap of moss, my paws aching. I turned and locked eyes with my littermate. 

"But we can make it right."


"Smallpaw!" Slimefoot called. "I got some fresh-kill for you!"

I padded wearily to my mother; my tail droopy.

"You alright?" she asked gently, her voice full of motherly concern. 

"Just tired," I meowed with a yawn.

"Here, eat this and rest," she suggested, nudging a sparrow towards me. 

The sweet scent filled my mouth and I even smiled, taking it in my mouth. It was amazing.

"Your more than just tired," Slimefoot noted. But before she could say more, Dunepaw rushed over.

"Slimefoot, come on! Mouse just had her kits!"

Without hesitation, we rushed into the nursery. The sweet smell of milk overflowed inside of it and the scent of Straypaw and her large kits.

"They're beautiful!" Slimefoot gasped. 

"One she is a dark brown long-hair," Dunepaw described it out loud, "with black paws and a plumed tail. Another she-kit is a cream color with Mouse's eyes. And the last one is a light-brown with very light green eyes."

Suddenly the voice of Muckpelt rung in my ears.

They are destined for great things. 

Shove off, I thought.

They will strengthen the weak, tear down the strong, humble the prideful, provide for the ones with nothing, and most importantly:

They will be clever, cunning, and strong.

Strong enough to save us all.


Now before you get too excited, I must SEVERELY edit this book.

Then we'll do book two!

Remember to vote, comment, and if u really liked it, follow!

Thank you guys for all the support and encouragement you've given, it means the world to me; you guys are the best.

This is lolareadsgoodthings, signing out

Seeing Through their Eyes- OakclanWhere stories live. Discover now