Chapter 29

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"Is that so?"

Sukuna's head turned towards her.

"What do you need me for?" He inquired, raising one of his eyebrows, his mouth curling up into a smirk, a smirk he couldn't conceal. His tone carried both irritation and mockery.


Y/N attempted to speak, but her throat started to become dry, her cheeks began to flush in embarrassment, trying to find the right words.

Observing her condition, Sukuna sat upright, closing the distance between them, which caught her off guard. Their eyes met.

"Need me for what, brat?" His voice dropped to a husky whisper with a sardonic tone.

Her body was responding to his actions by increasing her heart beat, her breaths deep as her body began to sweat even more. She knew that the the man before her knew her intentions, aware he pretended ignorance to provoke her discomfort and flustering. This annoyed her.

"D-D-Don't a-act l-l-l-like you don't know!" she stammered, retreating on the bed as Sukuna closed in.

Sukuna's smirk widened slyly as he leaned in closer, "If you need something... Speak."

"...Fine..!" she responded, feeling the intensity of his gaze.

"P-Please...let me.." she paused, searching for words.

"Hm?" he leaned an inch closer. Y/N could feel his body heat, his aura, his menacing, dominating aura but along with the feeling of fear, she felt her desires rising.

After a few moments of silence,

"Please let me... feel your touch again, Sukuna." she managed to speak her mind, her gaze averted away from him as her cheeks began to burn with embarrassment.

"What? I didn't quite hear you. Repeat it." he ordered, his voice evident with the sarcasm.

"You-" she looked back at him.

Sukuna cut her off, his voice firm and dripping with malicious intent, "Repeat it."

His voice sent shivers down her spine, causing her to briefly avert her gaze.

"Please... let me feel your touch again..." Her eyes met his, portraying the fear yet the neediness inside her.

Sukuna stared at her, as if there was something missing in her sentence.

"..Sukuna..." she completed her sentence under his piercing gaze.

"That's right."

She looked at him with hopeful eyes, expecting him to finally grant what she's been needing from him.

"And what makes you think I'll grant this pathetic request of yours?" Sukuna laughed at her, the sound reverberating through the room. The way he laughed, reflected mockery, relishing what he's done to her.

Seeing him mock her, enraged her. Especially when he was the one to ignite this desire within her. Just as she had begun to overcome those feelings, he was the one to make her feel all that again.

If it weren't for his teasing at the kitchen counter, she might have been able to forget about those desires altogether. Yet, he was the one who pushed her to the edge with his teasing, leaving her yearning for more.

She refuses to let him ridicule her for something beyond her control, especially when it's a result of his own actions. There's no chance she'll allow him to get away with it.

"Because it's you who's got me all bothered, it's you who made me feel like this and now you don't want to do anything about it!?" she paused, taking in a deep breath.

Ethereal Connection ♡ ⌇ Sukuna x Reader ⌇ ♡Where stories live. Discover now