Chapter 2

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Upon hearing those words Y/N couldn't help but tear up, she couldn't believe the words the man uttered.

The guy on the phone called her to Mitsuki's office, leaving her in the dark about what transpired.

Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N approached the manager about the situation and hurriedly left. She didn't want to waste anytime, she needs to know how this happened, why and WHO was responsible.

She hurried to the location, unintentionally brushing past a few people in her determination, she didn't care the only priority was to reach Suki.

She immediately took the bus to the destination and she was lost in her thoughts. Her eyes teary, her face shocked.

"Why did this have to happen?"

"Everything was fine, but... this... it's impossible."

"Is this some kind of sick joke, Suki? This isn't funny!"


Her heart was full of despair, mind filled with negativity. It was a struggle not to break down right there on the bus, but she held herself together. Her mission was to get to her dearest friend.

After 15 minutes of travelling she got off to the stop, making her way swiftly to the building.

Taking the lift to Suki's usual workplace, she found it deserted.

Y/N dialled her best friend's number and the man answered the call.

"Hello?" Y/N's voice trembled with panic.

"Yes, Miss? Have you arrived safely?" The man's voice was gentle.

"Yeah, I'm at the office, but I... I can't find... anyone! Where... where is she!?" Her words came out in desperation.

"Just head to the restroom on the 7th floor, Miss. I apologize for not informing you on our last call," the man said.

"It's fine, I'll... I'll go," she replied, quickly ending the call.

Y/N rushed to the lift and saw that the lift was on the ground floor. She couldn't bare to wait. She took the stairs and went up 3 floors.

Upon reaching she made her way towards the restroom, and oh my it was crowded. She rushed into the crowd pushing people away.

After a bit of movements she finally arrived and the scene in front horrified her and put her uncertainty to an end.

Mitsuki's figure was on the restroom stall, her body had a missing arm while there were chunks of flesh ripped out from her neck and the side of her waist, her legs twisted unnaturally while her face was distorted. The door broken into pieces while the whole stall was splattered with blood.

The sight left Y/N paralyzed, speechless. She stared at the unrecognisable lifeless body of her shining star.

It was heartbreaking. The only one she had, left her. Would things ever be okay? Was there a reason to keep moving forward, or was this the end for her?

After moments of staring, a man suddenly tapped on her shoulder.
She shivered in surprise.

He extended a glass of water, she looked at the it and then at the man with a numb facial expression.

"Here, take it.", the man offered gently.

Y/N didn't say anything but she did notice the he's a cop. After a few moments she took the glass with trembling hands.

Sipping the water slowly, she glanced at the man with the same emotionless expression. The man felt sympathy for her, he caressed her shoulder slowly to calm her down. Gradually, her trembling lowered.

"Miss are you feeling better now?", he asked kindly.

She nodded in response.

"Miss, I'm the one who called you from Mitsuki's phone. Your name is Y/N, right?" he inquired gently.

She nodded again.

"Miss i know it's hard, but i need your help could you assist me?", he asked calmly.

She repeated her action and looked at the guy expecting a question.

"Okay, so... I needed to ask about Mitsuki's parents. Are they alive, or was she staying with them or someone else?" the man inquired kindly.

Y/N looked at the man, her voice barely above a whisper. "She lived with her parents."

"Do you know where they are?" he asked.

"Where...? They're at her house. Suki would've told me if they'd left or something. Why?" she replied, her voice filled with sorrow.

"Oh, I actually tried contacting her parents before you, but they never picked up. I've sent a few officers to check her place if her parents are home," the man explained.

"I-i..i see.", she looked over at the body of her beloved friend.

"Do you know what exactly happened?
What...what caused this?", Y/N questioned.

"We're trying the figure it out too. The reason for her death is still unknown. We will let you know as soon as we get the answer.", the man replied sincerely. His phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me.", the man said and Y/N nodded slightly.

As the cop walked away, Y/N still couldn't fully accept what had transpired. Her mind raced.

"This is a dream..i-i have to wake up..i need to"

"Please Y/N wake up, wake up, wake up."

" can't-! get your sleep later!"

While she was spaced out the cop walked back towards her.

He called her name a few times and waved his hand in front of her eyes. She snapped back to reality, looking at him expectantly.

He hesitated, he didn't want her to trouble her more but, the truth has to be told.

"They didn't find anyone at the house.", he informed.

The cop noticed that she begin to tremble harder after this information. He didn't want to make this difficult for her but at the same time he couldn't lie.

"My name's Ren. Here's my contact number. I have yours, and I'll update you with any information I find. Feel free to call me if you have any information about it," he said, inputting his number into her phone and giving her a sympathetic look.

"You should go home. We promise we will try our best to find the culprit or the reason behind this.", the cop reassured and handed her phone back with a smile.

Y/N nodded and started to walk towards the exit after a glance of her best friend's body. She was still trembling.

On the bus she thought about the whole situation. It caused her anxiety.

She was broken, her heart heavy and mind in at unease. When she stepped off the bus, memories of her dearest friend flooded her thoughts, and her eyes welled up.

While lost in her thoughts something moves swiftly in the alleyway, she was too careless to even question it or even consider it.

All she thought about was her, her shining star, Suki.

Ethereal Connection ♡ ⌇ Sukuna x Reader ⌇ ♡Where stories live. Discover now