"Why?" Billy asked.

"Why?" Finn scoffed, "People like to bet on those kind of things these days."

Isaiah leaned forward, "Were a gambling enterprise."

"I know who you are." Billy said, sharply.

"To fix the horse race, you give the outsider a bit of cocaine. To fix a football match, you give the goalkeeper twenty pounds."

Billy let out a muffled chuckle before he picked up the pen, Chelsea leaned back in her chair, "You're a Peaky Blinder now, Billy."

Billy nodded and smiled in fear, Isaiah's hand fell upon Chelsea's thigh as they smirked at each other.

Chelsea arrived back home at the Arrows House, excited to see her little sister after Lizzie had brought her back to the house.

She rushed into the house and into the front room, holding two bags of presents in her hands.

"Ruby!" Chelsea called out, "Rupert!"

She heard a loud squeal come through the drawing room, followed by small gentle footsteps until Ruby appeared in front of Chelsea.

"Happy birthday, my baby!" Chelsea smiled, dropping the bags to the floor and kneeling in front of Chelsea, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you!" Ruby shouted, she pulled back from the hug and looked at the two full bags, "Are they-"

"-your presents." Chelsea finished the sentence for her, "Come on, let's go back into the room and you can open all of them."

Chelsea sat on the couch, Charles on her lap whilst Ruby sat on the floor, unwrapping her presents for her older sister and shouting out in happiness every single time.

"Thank you, Chi!" Ruby shouted, running over and hugging Chelsea, "I love them! I love them all!"

Chelsea smiled and looked to her left, seeing her dad sat on the sofa, staring into her eyes, but even though he was in the room, he wasn't in it.

Chelsea kissed her sister's head and a few minutes later, she lied and told Tommy there was some problems that she wanted to discuss with him.

They made their way into his office and he sat down at his desk, Chelsea sat opposite him.

"What are your concerns?" Tommy asked, leaning his head back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling and folding his hands on top of his chest.

"You." Chelsea said, "What's wrong? Don't lie to me, dad, you've never been able to hide anything from me."

Tommy's head flopped against his shoulder and he stared at his daughter, "Believe me, Princess, there are a lot of things that I hide from you."

Chelsea scoffed, "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Myself." Tommy said, leaning his head back again and closing his eyes, pretending that he was talking to himself and not Chelsea, "I hide my thoughts, my feelings, my anger. I hide it all to protect you from me."

Chelsea leaned forward and shook her head, "Dad, I may need protection from certain aspects in this fucked up world, but you are not one of them. You're my dad."

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