Chapter 43

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"Do you feel any better?" Jungkook asks, a question directed at the sullen looking boy seated besides him on the couch with his legs crossed and his eyes glued to fireplace. He'd been that way since Jimin & Namjoon left the house earlier, only nodding at every question without saying a word.

Jungkook sighs deeply in an attempt to move closer, but he's quickly stopped by a hand firmly pressed against his chest to ward him off "Seokjin can you please say something? I'm trying my best here, why are you avoiding me?" He questions, looking both confused and exasperated.

"I'm—I'm not avoiding you" Seokjin manages to respond, not sparing the man any glance as he did.

"Oh really? You really think you're not avoiding me? You've been this way since earlier, barely saying a word to me and now even telling me off. Are you mad at me or what? Did something else happen in my absence? Can you please just talk__"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not avoiding you?!" Seokjin says, yelling at the top of his lungs this time. Both of his eyes growing redder by the second.

For a few minutes after the sudden outburst, only the faint crackling made by the burning wood coming from the fireplace could be heard through out the entire mansion, besides the sniffling of the boy who was now crying.

Concerned but still confused, Jungkook did the only thing he thought was best at the moment and that was giving the boy some space, because he clearly looked like he needed it. Hence why he gently stood to his feet and began walking away, but before he could make it to the exit of the living room, he stops and turns around to face Seokjin whose back was turned to him.

"Everything that I've done, I've done for you. I admit to being selfish at the beginning because I only needed this job for the money and also to help savage what was left of my strenuous relationship with my daughter. I had not the slightest intention to come into your world and be so involved in your life to the point of genuinely wanting to help you, neither did I think I'd come to be so attracted to you and even fall for you, because you were such an insufferable and spoil little brat from the onset. Come to think of it, you still very much are but you've just become a lot more tolerable because I like you and I find every single thing you do to be very cute.

I will excuse this weird behavior of yours tonight solely because I'm choosing to understand how you feel even though I absolutely do not. So you take as much time as you need to piece whatever thoughts you've got together and come back to your senses before I make you. For once, I need you to take responsibility for hurting me because I'm human too Seokjin and I have feelings, feelings that you constantly choose to trample on without any remorse" With that, Jungkook turned on his heels and quietly walked away.

Turning on the kitchen faucet, he leaned downward and splashed a generous amount of water on his face, breathing so heavily as he did. As much as he didn't want to scold Seokjin, he just had to do so to make the boy realize a few things, one of those things being his own feelings that are just as valid as Seokjin's and deserved to be acknowledged as well. He went out of his way to protect him, to help him, the least he expected in return was an appreciation not to be pushed away like some unwanted criminal.

Although Jungkook doubted his little method would work, but the deed had already been done. So now all he could do was hope for the best or the worst, but for his own sake he genuinely hoped for the best.

The soft footsteps behind him already caught up to him before he could turn around, so he just gave up and allowed the very familiar pair of slender arms wrap around his waist from behind, making him let out a long sigh of relief.

Seokjin remained in the same position for a long time, his face pressed against the man's muscular back with his arms tightly wrapped around his waist. His breathing was heavy and labored, it was much expected considering how he'd ran around the mansion looking for his caregiver before eventually spotting him at the far end of the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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