Chapter 34

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Dr Valerie had a ton of questions to ask the very distressed looking boy, but for the mean time, she held back and only watched him pace about the bedroom without rest. It was obvious his mind and body seemed to be in different places at the same time, this was pretty evident by the fine lines of crease formed along his forehead.

Clearing her throat with a mild cough, she proceeds to break off the erie silence hanging in the air. "Seokjin? How about you sit down and tell me exactly what's going on?"

"So much! So much is going on" Seokjin responds in a haste, still pacing about.

"I know that" The lady was quick to agree considering how desperate and urgent he had sounded over the phone when he earlier called. "I know all of it, but I won't get proper context as to what exactly is going on if you do not calm down and talk to me"

Seokjin soon stops pacing about in place and with a heavy sigh trudges himself towards the edge of the bed and plops himself down in one swift motion.

"Good" Dr Valerie praises, proceeding to thrash out whatever problem had the boy looking all worked up and restless. "So, can you tell me exactly what's wrong now?"

Seokjin exhales deeply, a hand coming up to incuriously swipe over his face before he says "I think something is wrong with me" he murmurs with little to no weight in his words, causing Dr Valerie to raise a brow of confusion at him.

"Hmm I'm sorry Seokjin, but I don't think I quite understand you. What did you say is wrong with you?"

"I think my entire body is changing" He began, his palm inching up to rest flatly against his clothed chest. "This thing in here is behaving hella crazy, it's making me loose my goddamn mind"

"What thing?" The lady inquires further, languidly gawking at the boy for more answers.

"This thing in here!" Seokjin almost screams himself hoarse, now pointing straight at his hammering heart.

Dr Valerie was more than confused to say the least, but she knew better than to allow that side of her show. So she breaths out with a lukewarm smile as a form of encouragement to enable Seokjin go on.

"It hurts so much and I have no idea why"

"Are you sick?" She questions, to which she received nothing but a long ass glare. "Sorry, I'm sorry. So you aren't sick then"

"I'm not, but these days my heart keeps beating way out of control. I've never felt anything quite like it, it just keeps thumping as if it's about to explode and come leaping out of my chest at any minute" Seokjin whines in distress, detesting the so called feeling burning through him in waves.

"But Seokjin, you do know our hearts are meant to beat in order for us to stay alive right?"

Seokjin was almost at the verge of passing out due to how dense the doctor seemed to be to his problem. This action causes him to fall backwards on the mattress with both of his hands raised above his head as a sign of defeat.

"How did you become a doctor again?" He mumbled unintentionally.

Dr Valerie chuckles at the question while shaking her head at his silliness. "For what it's worth, I'm a psychiatrist not an actual doctor. But I do understand you and I just want you to own up to your own feelings and properly explain to me just what on earth is wrong with you" She whispers softly, now watching Seokjin turn his attention from the ceiling above him to the opened windows.

"Chimchim never once made me feel this way, but somehow my caregiver easily does" he began rather warily. "Whenever he's next to me I can just hear my heart drumming very heavily in my ears and sometimes I even fear that he can hear it as well. I'm honestly so glad Dali is here for the holidays, because she's clearly the only reason why I don't have to be alone with him so often and it really upsets me. I don't know if this is a sign that I've finally lost my goddamn mind or if it's a sign that my life is gradually nearing it's unfortunate end. Everything just doesn't make any sense because I've never felt this way before and I have no idea what to do about it"

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