Chapter 4

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Jimin saunted down the long flight of stairs with a big smile on his face, approaching the two men who stood by the foot of the stairs, he instantly allowed his small frame be caged into the taller man's body. Where he in turn wrapped his arms loosely around his neck in a bear like hug.

"How are you babe?" Namjoon whispers softly,hoisting Jimin off the floor in one go.

This endearing action causes Jimin to chuckle softly, smacking Namjoon along the expanse of his broad back, "let me down will you? Jungkook is right here" he stated the obvious, still dangling up in Namjoon's arms

"Oh don't worry about me," Jungkook snorted, "you can have your moment and totally ignore the fact that I'm here for an interview and not to watch you both act like high school lovers" he says, clearing his throat inbetween.

Both men laughed heartily, before Jimin eventually wiggles his way down to the ground, smothening out his clothes, before extending a handshake to Jungkook who immediately returned the same gesture.

"I apologize for my boyfriend, he can be a bit too much sometimes" Jimin says.

"He's Namjoon, he's too much all the damn time but we just coexist with him anyways, so it's no bother really" Jungkook countered, expressing his words with a tight lip smile.

Jimin chuckled in agreement, before stepping backwards to address both men properly, "Welcome, I'm sorry it took me a while to come to the door, I needed to put a few things in order, before my grandmother arrives. So forgive my manner, please come in and make yourselves comfortable, today is going to be a very long day" he informs, steadily leading both men into the very artistic looking living room.

"Yah" Jungkook nudges Namjoon, immediately they were offered seats, before he then says "Why is this place so deep in the woods? It practically looks like one of those abandoned old mansions you see in horror movies, why would anybody live here? Talk less of searching for a caretaker?" He whispers each words, his eyes darting around the archaic, yet properly designed building.

Namjoon does his best in hushing him up, as the huge doors to the mansion creaked open, ushering in an elderly looking woman, possibly in her sixties.

"Shh, Ma Park is here, you can ask her all the questions you have up that curious head of yours okay"

"Grandmother!" Jimin sang happily, skipping towards the elderly woman and gently taking hold of her wrinkly hand, "Common, let's get you a sit" he says, guiding her towards one of the single sofas in the living room.

"This is Namjoon and his friend Jungkook" Jimin began with the introduction, but was quickly cut off mid sentence by the elderly woman.

"Aish, you don't have to introduce Namjoon to me all the time Jimin ah, I'm old, not suffering from dementia. I know he's going to be my son in-law in the future as well" the woman teased, flashing Namjoon an almost toothless grin. This prompts Namjoon to quickly stand to his feets, bowing respectfully in her direction.

"Of course ma'am, i promise I will"

"Promise? You don't have a choice Kim Namjoon, of course you will. No one plays with my dearest grandson, absolutely no one"

Jungkook choked on his spit, intending to keep his laughter in check, such a threat, he thought. This action of his, eventually earned the attention of the elderly woman on himself.

"Oh is this the young man?" She questions, curiously eyeing Jungkook who quickly stood to feets to pay his utmost respect to her as well,

"I'm Jungkook Ma'am, Jeon Jungkook" he informs politely.

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