Chapter 5

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"What's this about?" Young Dali questions inquisitively, pulling out one of the island stools and plopping down on it, as her father put down a huge box of pizza in front of her.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks, corking a brow at his daughter.

Dali frowned, adjusting in her seat, "Dunno, this pizza looks super expensive and I know you do not have a job right now. Did you perhaps snatch this from one of the pizzeria staff? I really do not want to go to jail Appa, I'm only six, I'm still very young"

"Yah!" Jungkook exhaled, totally dumbfounded as he stared down at his daughter, "You're so unbelievable for a six year old, you should atleast try saying, thank you for the pizza Appa. What even makes you think I snatched this anyways? It's really not that expensive" he complained nonstop, before disappearing into the kitchen and returning moments later, with two plates in his hand.

Ignoring her father, Dali goes ahead to lift the lid off the box and her eyes instantly widened in delight. It was her absolute favorite kind of pizza, and she felt so overjoyed.

"I got you a plate, dig in and enjoy" Jungkook informs, handing her one of the small white saucers.

Dali immediately began stuffing her mouth diligently, humming a cherry tone of satisfaction whenever she savored and swallowed. It had been a long while since Jungkook was able to afford anything she actually liked, so he was more than glad to see her enjoying the feast to the her heart content.

He watched with intense admiration as his daughter constantly stuffed her mouth full. Just watching her eat, already made him full, which explains why he'd been holding on to half a slice of the pizza since they began eating.

As Dali reached for her cup of cola, Jungkook decided to break the silence.

"So guess what?" He beamed, starring expectantly for an answer.

Dali shrugged as she reached for another slice of pizza, "Tell me, you know I'm not good at guessing Appa"

Jungkook sighed, followed by the noise of him corking his neck side to side. "I got a new job" he stated, with a smile.

Dali's mouth instantly hung open, starring at her father like some infamous alien, "Really? Again?"

Rolling his eyes at her, Jungkook says, "what do you mean again? You've been mad at me all month concerning this Dali, shouldn't this be an exciting news for both of us?"

"I know, I know Appa" she timidly began, "I'm not a baby anymore, I know things have not been looking up between you and Papa. But Appa, this would be the fifth job you're getting for the year, will you be able to keep it this time?"

Jungkook exhaled, eventually ditching his half slice of pizza and running his dry palm over his face, "I will try my best this time I promise, I'm tired of watching trivial issues like these continue to put a strain on our relationship. I'm trying Dali, I'm really trying baby, and it's all for you, you make me want to be better and do better. I may have always gotten into trouble and act out irresponsibly most times, but since i had you, I've been trying to make amends every single day"

Dali's beautiful features, softens even more as she listened to her father, she batted her lashes repeatedly to stop herself from crying, "I know you are trying Appa, I just dislike the fact that you and Papa are not together_" she trailed off, her tear glands eventually betraying her, as hot tears trickled down her red face.

"Hey, hey my Dali" Jungkook cooed, climbing down his seat and heading towards his daughter's side, where he then pulled her into a hug. Allowing his fingers rub soothingly over her small back. "I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry for putting you into this mess, I promise I'll make everything better Dali. Just don't hate me and please give me some time hmm?"

THE DEVIL WORKS HARD (Kookjin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz