Chapter 17

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Seokjin did nothing except sit still on the passenger seat of the grey Nissan truck, his eyes glued to the night sky as his estranged father drove both of them in silence towards an unknown destination.

Seokjin had been very surprised to be awoken next to Minshik instead of his caregiver, he also tried confronting the man countless times as to where exactly they were headed, and why Ma Park wasn't anywhere in sight. But, all he was ever answered with were words of hushes and shushes and nothing more. It frustrated and bugged his little mind to an extent, but there was really nothing he could possibly do except go along with whatever he was told.

"Why do you have the windows down Seokjin? I'm freezing here" Minshik eventually cracks the awful silence by finally speaking.

Seokjin, said nothing except adjusting his tiny frame properly into the rough leather of the seat, before tapping on the small round button beside his side of the door, watching with sparkly eyes as the previously wounded down piece of flat glass came gliding up smoothly.

"Where are we going?" Seokjin asks yet again in due course, turning to stare up at the man behind the steering wheel.

Minshik shrugs off his stiff shoulders, accompanied by a loud groan. The little boy was so inquisitive and super annoying, to the extent he couldn't wait to get rid of him as quickly as possible. "Why do you keep asking me questions even after I've explained to you?"

"Because, Ma Park isn't here and she never leaves me all by myself"

"Well, you're not by yourself are you? I'm right here aren't I? I'm right next to you"

Seokjin kept the man quiet for a few minutes, his mind trying to read a few meaning into what he had just said. "But you don't like me, so why are you next to me instead of my nanny?" He argued, stirring the conversation towards its peak.

"Who said I don't like you?" Minshik howls sinisterly, "I like you Seokjin, you're my son and I want nothing but the best for you. That is the sole purpose why I'm trying to keep you safe right now"

With the new information now reaching him, Seokjin's ears perks up in curiosity, eager to hear even more. "Keep me safe? Did something happen?"

"Of course__" Minshik trailed off, finally sparring Seokjin a glance since the long ride started. "Didn't you know?"

Vehemently shaking his head, Seokjin whispered a tiny "no"

"I guess your caregiver never told you because she was in on it too"

"In on what?" Seokjin bugs further, feeling lost and properly confused.

Gripping the steering wheel tighter, Minshik began his long run into his shady web of lies. "There are lots of people out there currently searching for you, because you hurt your grandpa and grandma" he announced, completely oblivious to the look of fright now freely dancing about in Seokjin's brown orbs.

"Hurt grandparents? I, i, i never__"

"You did Seokjin, don't try to deny it" Minshik trivializes, determined to instigate extreme fear into the little boy.

Seokjin's heart rate immediately picks up within his compact chest, beating heavily in his ears while tears came gushing down his face. "No, i did not. Ma Park said grandparents went to visit an old friend, and that they wouldn't be back anytime soon"

"She lied to you" Minshik trivializes yet again, greedily feeding off the boys fear. "Grandparents died because of you. Since they took you in, they've experienced nothing but heart ache and misfortune in all aspects of their lives, that is the sole reason why they died. So, don't you see it? It's all your fault Seokjin, and that is why I must take you far away from the people who are searching for you and trying to hurt you"

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